First Duck Boat Build

Thanks guys for the positive comments. I think if I have started with plans or a CAD program it might have been a little easier. But it is going together pretty well. I'm not a skilled wood worker, although I have built a few things from time to time. Never did any major carpentry work though until 5 years ago. What I have learned is if you have the right tools you can do just about anything you set your mind to. Five years ago I started building our house. I did our house plans myself. I didn't do it all by myself but I did a lot. I had a mason put the basement footings in. I put the basement wall forms up (insulatated foam forms). Had the mason come back and help me with pouring the walls. The exterior house walls are insulated structural panels ordered to my plans, I did the mud sills and plates. Then I had a contractor do the floor joist and floor decking. We put up the exterior wall panels together, he did the roof trusts and roofing and set most of the exterior windows and doors, and roughed in the inside walls. Plumbers and electricans did their thing, although I pulled a lot of wires. I hooked up all the light and plumbing fixtures. I did all the isulation, R-50 in the ceilings, drywall for a 3,200 sq. ft house plus 900 sq. ft. garage, 1600 sq ft of tongue and grove paneling for cathedral ceilings, hung interior doors and garage doors, set the cabinets and counter tops, did the trim work, tiled about 3,000 sq. ft. of floor, hung 2,400 hundred feet of cement board siding, built front and rear decks totaling more than 600 sq.ft.; and hundreds of other things required to build a house. I bought the tools that I needed as I went along. When I didn't know how to do something I went to sites like this. One reason why I'm posting pictures as I build this boat, maybe they will help someone else.
P.S. My moto through life has always been - God hates a coward!
Okay my boat project is coming along. I've got the top decks on. The front bulk head was filled with two part floatation foam before glueing the front deck on. I put 9oz glass cloth on the front and back decks. Side decks were covered with 6 oz cloth. One coat of resin on the wood followed by cloth and three caots of resin. Here I just attached the grass rail made out of 3/4" oak. We put it on for fit and took it to epoxy it on. My neighbor gave me a 1975 Evinrude 2hp motor which has seen very little use. I had to route out the transom because it was to thick, 2 5/8 inches. What was I thinking? I got to put in the drains in the transom, make the cockpit cover, and then I'm ready to start painting. Automaotive epoxy primer and two part automotive paint. Okay all you experts, I need suggestions for lights and a dog ladder.



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Fantastic job you're doing here.

I haven't been spending too much time over here recently and just found this post. I also built a KARA many moons ago, and your post has the old gears turning again.

I think I'd stick with the removable "flashlight" battery powered nav lights. Even a small 12v battery would be extra unnecessary weight, and wiring is always a PITA

I'm looking forward to seeing her with paint, and in the water.

Congrats on a great build.

Your boat is really looking great. Can't wait to see her all painted up and on the water.

Ed L.
Fantastic job you're doing here.

I think I'd stick with the removable "flashlight" battery powered nav lights. Even a small 12v battery would be extra unnecessary weight, and wiring is always a PITA

I'm looking forward to seeing her with paint, and in the water.

Congrats on a great build.


I was planning on general nav lights, thinking about attaching a piece of pvc pipe on inside edge of the cockpit to slip a white light on a short pipe. But what I was asking for was ideas for a head light to be run off a small 2ah sla battery, just for those early mornings.
Okay, she is getting painted. One last thing that I did before painting her was to put two drains in the back, one on either side of the center strip in the inside. I drilled these with a 1 1/4" fostner bit and epoxied in PVC pipe into the drain holes. I'll place screw in drain plugs on the outside and Goop them in. The pipe was 1 5/16s OD, so I made a mandle and put the PVC pipe in my drill and turned them down with a chisle until they fit into the 1 1/4" drain holes, roughed them up with sandpaper. I stuff the PVC tubes tight with paper towels. Smeared a lot of epoxy resin in the holes coating the inside using a tooth brush. Then dipped the PVC tubes into the resin and tapped them into place. Put masking tape over the ends to keeping the resin in until it kicked.


After washing and sanding, the bottom got primed with PPG DP40 epxoy primer and painted with Omui Au Urethane automotive paint. The auto shop did not have a formula for plain olive paint so the called the company. The color is darker than olive, but I like it. It is also gloss which should be okay for the bottom. I will prime and paint the top tomorrow and then cover it with flat olive drab enamal camo paint above the water line. These new epoxy and two part Urethanes paints are great, no runs, dries quick and are very hard. I shot the primer wait about two hours and then painted it. The paint was tack free in les than two hours.

PS. the boxes along the wall are inside dog houses to my kennels.



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Okay, here it is painted and 99% complete, but ready for the water. I've got to register it with the DNR today. Seats, some more camo paint and a blind are still required. Weight as of now is 150 lbs. A little heavier than I expected.


Back end with drains.



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Well it is out of the garage. Here it is siting on my canoe carrier.


And it is in the water, I got only a 2 hp moter on it right now. I'd like to put a 5 hp motor on it. After my wife took this picture we both got in and took a curise around the lake.


No, to many other porjects in the que, plus hunting season will be arriving shortly. Maybe next year. I've got to get a trailor and a bigger motor for this one first. Any ideas about inexpensive boat trailer kits.