First Duck Hunt


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Well the season is beginning to wind down sadly. I thought that I would take my boy hunting for the first time. We've been working on his gunshyness, and while it's not 'cured' it is a lot better. I took my gun, but didn't shoot even though I had the opportunity to on some ducks a few times and on a ton of coots.

We got out there about 1015 this am in between rain storms. I didn't want to be out there with him and all the crazies so we slept in. I knew that eventually there would be a shooter out there before the management area closed up shop for ducks. I was right.

The first couple of shots Kenzie was spooked, but I had brought his dummy that he loves fetching and kept throwing it for him while the guy was shooting and then some afterwards. The guy started shooting again, only this time, wailing away at the coots. But this time he was closer. It scared Kenzie, but again, I kept throwing the dummy for him. Eventually he decided enough was enough and he crawled into the canoe with the dummy for the last time and curled up under my feet. But he lasted about ten minutes of fetching before he decided that. I was pleased with how far we've come.

Perhaps it isn't the best way to work out gunshyness, but it seemed to have worked a little. I'm certainly not expecting overnight results. I was just curious what his reaction would be to real shooting. We've come a long way, we still have a ways to go, but we've come a long way. He used to run and hide when you dropped a spoon on a tile floor.

After loading back up into the truck, we drove a bit further into the woods and just went exploring. He obviously wasn't traumatized because you could hear shooting off in the distance and though initially he started slinking, he finally ignored it enough to enjoy tromping around in the ponds that we found in the back forty.

Not a shot was fired by me, and maybe two hours was spent out there, but I think we made some progress and I know that the two of us had a great time, for the most part. Afterwards, I stopped and got him a plain McChicken sammich from McyD's and all was right in his world again.



Kenzie is a fine looking pup.Your doing the right thing by bringing him on slowly.Doing something he likes while noise is happening is sometimes slow but it works eventually.Cass,my female looks for places o hide,or on my lap when thunder is too far away for me to hear,but she hunts and gun fire doesn't bother her.I just don't pay any attention when it's storming.Seems to reasure her.Is he a Toller?
Dani, Good work, nice to see someone spending the extra time on a dog. Whatever happens you will be better for the time spent with Kenzie. They give back so much more than we put into them. Good Luck.
yup he's a Toller. Got him from the pound. I think he'll eventually come around if he's like some of the other stuff I've had to work with him on. Getting him into a vehicle for example, used to take two people to bodily pick him up. Now I can't keep him out. He'll even go so far as to crawl over the spare tire on the back of the truck in through the back window if he thinks he's going to get left home.
It looks like you have the right approach. Tollers can be funny about new things as you discovered with the truck. Do you know anyone with a bumperboy? I've had real good success with it. The report is not real loud and they get a bumper every time they hear the sound. As long as they like to retrieve it's the easiest way I've found. Does he like birds? Keep up the good work,
What a lucky dog! And to think you saved him from the pound. He looks like he's all business.

I love his look.He looks relaxed in that full face photo.More waterfowlers will want Tollers,with looks like that.He just needs to associate noise with good things.Out of the pound,many dogs have been abused and never socialized.I was at a retired Vet's place one day.He breed Cockers and he had a litter a week old that he was massaging each one,all over.Said it was a important first step in human contact as a good thing.Keep us posted on his progress.I think you have a great companion there.
he is saying " Mah i sees what your tellin me now and ill gets to gettin them thar fluffy things but i tell ya its them dang gators thats scares the bejazus outa me ,so ya got gotta cover me whilst i gets them burds for ya so i dont turn into a dinner for them gators"

isnt great out there with your dawg doing the real thing..way to go will come ,thats one hell of a nice looking pound puppy...

It is very commendable to stick it out with your pup. When the light bulb comes on and he finally comes around to associate gunfire with something pleasureable you both will be enriched by the experience.

I don't know if anyone has suggested but you might check out

He has an excellent CD for curing gunshyness. And, in about 4-6 weeks you should have gun sensativity behind you and many years of hunting together ahead.

Good luck,

It looks like you have the right approach. Tollers can be funny about new things as you discovered with the truck. Do you know anyone with a bumperboy? I've had real good success with it. The report is not real loud and they get a bumper every time they hear the sound. As long as they like to retrieve it's the easiest way I've found. Does he like birds? Keep up the good work,

He likes to chase birds and will retrieve things for you all day long if your arm will hold out. He's not quite sure what to do about the feathery dead birds yet. But I've been introducing him to snipe and ducks and coot so that he'll fetch up and at least know the scent of a wide variety of birds. He tends to pick the birds up by the head, wing tip or foot right now. The first time he picked up a snipe I threw for him and all the feathers came off in his mouth he gave me this "What the heck is going on look?!!?!?!" But if you throw the birds into the water, he'll go get 'em without a problem. I'll have to look into that bumperboy, or something similar.
Good looking feller you have there. He looks intense so that's a good thing.Nothing sadder than a noise shy pup...keep up the good work.
If worse comes to worse, I took my lab Max out in the boat on the lake. I fired a shot and he bailed out of the boat like I knew he would. After swimming about 300 yrds he started circling so I ran out and picked him up. Went back to the spot where I fired the first time and did it again. He bailed but circled alot closer to the boat. Finally after about 6 trips over the side it clicked in his mind that this wasn't hurting him. He was getting tired as hell. Until the day he died I never had a problem with him being gunshy.
I don't know about that idea Leslie. Kenzie had likely had some issues with the previous owner(s) from what Dani has said, and it's not a good idea to have your dog randomly bailing out of the boat, out of control in Florida waters. I think Dani's plan is very sensible and she's been very patient with him... he'll come around. He obviously loves being out in the boat with Dani.
