First Morn hunt for Thomas w/ Pics

Oh Ive got several training partners that keep snapping his photo and putting it on the net. he thinks thats pretty cool. Gonna get his picture in hrc magazine next year in the youth issue. My wife did get the picture of him trick or treating with GRHRCH UH Colt on the net, tj was dressed as a dog trainer in his camo bibs, whistles, and duck call, and colt was holding the jack o latern bag in his mouth! heres a linky thingy, close as I can come...

you get ready to drive down, we'll have way too much to do to fool with computer stuff! travis
I showed it to John and he said, "Hmm, I could be a dog trainer for halloween."
How far East do you come when you are doing hunt tests or trials? It would be cool to try to see one next summer.
welp, we do hrc hunt tests, and the twice a year national event is called the grand. Thats the furtherst I ever get from home. I've been to south carolina, north carolina, and the georgia coast for grands in the past few years... course we've gone to texas twice, la, memphis, mississippi, and ontario as well. Rumors of a new england grand year after next... this spring is texarkana, and this fall is rumored to be colardo or nebraska. Ive traveled WAY more for the grand than the rest of my life put together! travis