First Sea Duck

Craig F

Well-known member
I've never been sea duck hunting before, but at least this morning I learned I don't need a Duckwater, Bankes, TDB, etc. as I can shoot them right out of my sneakbox while puddle duck hunting.

Probably don't shoot too many of these over a puddle duck rig...


congrats Craig occasionally they show up where you least expect them usually Juvies do that, but thats a mature bird
Thanks everyone. It definitely surprised me. My dad shot a surf scoter probably over 10 years ago near where I shot this one so you never know. Really beautiful prime bird, the orange is just amazing on the bill. That was all for my morning shoot, but I rounded out the day with a mallard and gadwall in the afternoon.


Having fun grassing the sneakbox in.


Birds would have a tough time looking into the sun like this, I always like to get down in the shadows somehow when I hunt in the afternoon.
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Very nice...those drake black scoter are certainly a beautiful bird, great contrast with the yellow and black. Congrats!