Fly rod question

Chuck - There are guys out there that collect/fondle/use old glass rods. I know for a while in Japan a few years ago they were buying them up for big money.
They are fun to cast. Slower action, easier on fine tippets. That one would be fun on small creeks being 7.5'.
I remember my father taking me to A+F in NYC when I was a kid. I remember a big gun room and being told to keep my hands in my pockets.

That looks like a real sweet glass fly rod. I have three that I still use, and one that I broke the tip off and made into a spinning rod. Best spinning rod I own.

Not a fly rod, but I have preening Black duck stamped " Made for Abercrombie and Fitch Co. By Decoys Unlimited".
Each time I pass by Wattsburg on my way into PA, I think about all the decoys that were made there by Decoys Unlimited.
I have a lead that it may be a Phillipson (like Tim J said in a PM). Seems they made rods for A&F, but the main difference was for their own brand they wrapped in red rather than the green on my rod.

Oh heck, as long as I have a few minutes, I'll blubber on a bit more as to how this whole thing got going...

My daughter's school has this points who do good deeds get these certificates, and they hand them in on select days for trinkets or fun activities with staff. Well over dinner one night, my wife mentions how one of the teachers is offering fly a tying lesson. Well, I start talking about it all excited like, and explaining the process to my daughter from the perspective of someone whom had never tied a fly, and started talking about my fly fishing equipment that was stored in my dad's grainery. Well, my daughter talked to the teacher offering it, and he agreed that she could purchase the lesson for me. (By far the coolest Christmas present ever) So over the holidays we were down visiting my parents and I dug out my old fly rods, the A&F hadn't been used in 10 years and the other, a store brand graphite rod, probably hadn't been used for 20-25 years (likely since I got the A&F from the neighbor). So I drag the A&F rod along to the fly tying lesson and ask the teacher if he knew anything about it, which he didn't other than saying it felt like a good rod, and offered to go out trout fishing this, really boils down to I was a little bit nervious not knowing the value.

Like I said make a short story long (or now even longer)...

So what you are say is,,,,,,,,,,, You don't get enough abuse here on the forum so you're going to go embarrass yourself in front of an instructor. :>) :>)
So what you are say is,,,,,,,,,,, You don't get enough abuse here on the forum so you're going to go embarrass yourself in front of an instructor. :>) :>)

Well, by teacher, I was refering to a first grade teacher...the only thing abusive was having to sit in those little tiny chairs that would be too short for an ottoman. Mearly showing me some streams, and allowing me to get in touch with the 4 count rhythm ...
The rod I broke the tip of, and made into a spinning rod is a Phillipson Master that had green wraps. I bought it new in 1966.
That rod as is, and was, has caught more fish than All my other rods combined. Lots of guys still look for old Phillipsons.