Carl said:
Well, got the flywheel bolt loose on my Merc 25, left the bolt on but backed it out about a 1/4?, put on a 3-point puller and cranked it tight but the flywheel won?t ?pop?. Sprayed some penetrating oil, tapped on it and the pulled bolt but not budging.
Other than let it sit with pressure on it, any advice?
Really hard to tell what's going on without just being there.
(A) not enough pressure generated by the puller,,,,, crank it down a bit more
(B) not enough impact from the hammer,,,,,,, needs more than a tap. Not sledgehammer worthy but more than a tap.
(C) three point puller,,,,,,,,,, using jaws or bolts to grab the flywheel. If bolts make sure you have sufficient thread depth into the flywheel to prevent stripping the bolt holes, BEFORE attempting A or B above.
(D) will the forcing screw on the puller pass thru the hole in the flywheel? If so remove the bolt and push directly on the end of the shaft. If not , just check to make sure you still have a gap between the bolt and the flywheel.
wish I could analyze the issue better. I would use heat as a last resort. Guess I start by making sure you have the 3 puller bolts deep enough into the flywheel , so those threads do not strip out. If using a jaw type puller, good to go. Then I'd increase the torque on the forcing screw, followed with a more authoritative blow with the hammer.
PS, If something breaks, not my fault. Doesn't that give you a warm fuzzy feeling?