Frank Peeters passing

Terry Desilets

Active member
Frank Peeters, champion decoy carver, teacher, mentor, friend and all around curmudgeon, passed away Wednesday evening. A short memorial will be held at AH Peters Funeral Home in Grosse Pointe. Saturday 29 November 3p-8p.

He was my mentor for a number of years and never hesitated to offer help whenever we talked. He was a good friend and I will miss him.
I read your post on Frank on the Decoy forum. I hate to hear of your friends passing. He had good critques of carvings and great advice for anyone on how they could imporve. It was never partial, only straight forward and to the point. I would have enjoyed meeting him.

Take care of yourself and please let his family know that a lot of folks are praying for them.
I am so sorry to hear that. I was hoping to meet Frank in person someday. I only talked to him once years ago and I got the impression he was a real gentleman. What a sad loss.

Sorry to hear of his passing. I enjoyed reading what he had to say on this and other forums, he was always a good guy and meant what he said. Every time I see some of those GHG Blue Bills and Wigeons I think of him.

Terry, That quite a shock. I communicated with him a year and half ago. I bought some plastic decoys that he had carved for the mold. They are my favorite decoys. One sits right above my computer desk. I hope some day to do as good of a job as he did.

Sorry for your lost but your lucky to have had a friend and mentor like Frank.
Sorry to hear that, Terry. I never met Frank, but it was easy to see how passionate he was about his work. I gathered he had a number of health issues he battled over the years.
Man, what a shock. Frank was the one who got me started in carving. Terry had suggested I get over to his house to see him acouple of months ago and like the song says I always thought I'd see him again so I put it off. What a mistake.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I did not know Frank, but hunt over GHG decoys he created. He was obviously a talented man who had a passion for waterfowl. You and his family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

He and I always laughed at the "Stumpy" thread here about bandsaw tuning. He was a great person and carver. Godspeed "Stumpy".
Frank sure left his mark on the carving world and will surely be missed.

God Speed Frank, your wigeon will always have a place in my rig.

Terry - I am saddened to hear about Frank's passing. I got to know Frank fairly well as he was a generous giver to hour McLean County Sportsmen's Banquet every year. He gave a decoy every year for the kids and gave little thought about giving it. Frank was a kind man and always had a good word to say about people. I will never forget him and pray that he is in the presence of Jesus.