Frantic behavior in the middle of the night


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So, just looking for thoughts on this....I'm not super worried yet but this has happened now 6 or 7 times over the last few months and this morning was the 4th time this month. The first time I thought it was possibly more a reaction to maybe a bear outside because Reggie was also super wound up and kept running outside to growl and bark at something. One or two times, it is just something weird....but this is more than just something weird, I think. Though at this point, I am not sure if it is weird because something healthwise going on or something in the environment that is triggering this.

Belle has been acting frantic in the middle of the night. She runs around the bed, acting like she wants to get off the bed but can't quite figure out how or perhaps can't figure if it is safe to get off the bed. She doesn't seem scared (at least not scared like she reacts with lightning and thunder) so much as wildly frantic. When she is having these episodes she never actually gets off the bed. She just runs around to all edges of the bed, sometimes stepping on me, looking like she wants off the bed. Honestly, it kind of reminded me of my old boy Kenzie who got dementia and would get "lost" in the corner of a room. Although he never had this same level of frantic energy. Belle is six years old and these episodes are always the middle of the night. I can't say for sure if it is shortly after coming in from being outside or not because I don't always know when the dogs get up to go outside in the middle of the night. For sure, the first time it happened after going outside because both dogs were coming and going out of the house and were riled up big time, barking/growling. I can't seem to predict when these episodes might hit.

I can calm her down over time if I turn the lights on. Turning the lights on usually she will run around the edges of the bed once or twice. looking like she wants off the bed but can't figure out how to get down, and then she'll come and lay on top of me. I can usually quiet her down by letting her lay on me, gently and slowly running my hands down her back and talking softly to her. Once she quiets down, she seems to be okay and she will curl up next to me and go back to sleep.

If it was a bear that was causing this, I think I would have heard from the neighbors that we have had a bear in the neighborhood and the dogs all next door would be waking me up from the midnight barking. Plus, I think that Reggie would also be riled up about something in or near his yard. She kind of acts like this around noises that remind her of rattle snakes, but not to this degree. She has been snake broke and part of her training included the rattlers rattling. I will look at getting up under the house just to verify I don't have a rattle snake under the house that she might be reacting to. This is more than just my bedroom though because I am currently sleeping in the guest room as my room is in the process of being remodeled, though both rooms are on the same side of the house.

Any other ideas/causes to think about? I will have a discussion with my vet about this but I thought perhaps y'all had some ideas that I'm not thinking of.

Thanks a lot y'all,

Just curious, have you tried playing white noise or leaving a bathroom fan on? A bath fan might be enough white noise to keep her calm through the night. We had to do that for my lab, more so to keep him from barking at everything (nothing) during the night.
My ceiling fan runs all of the time and my "white noise" is usually a book on tape that I have listened to a number of times. There are a few voices that I find easy to fall asleep to and have already listened to multiple times and so I can "listen" to those books over and over again at night and not have to stay up all night to finish the book (book self control issues 🤪 ). Last night, my story did end probably about the same time she started getting frantic so maaaaaybe her not having our usual "noise" is what got her wound up. Tough to know for sure how long after the book ending she started getting wound up.
We run a ceiling fan all the time too but the bathroom fan is louder and might help her, especially if it's after the book on tape ends. Couldn't hurt to try
Have you ever noticed if she is dreaming and doing the chase and huffing before this happens?
Could she be confusing the dream for being awake. Deuce will howl himself awake about every 4 to 6 months. Scared the crap out of me the first couple times. He will often look a bit confused and then stare at a wall or light fixture like something is going to come out of it to attack us. Not a dream I'd like to have.

I know in people this behavior is not a sign of good things. But I think dogs seem to dream more actively to begin with.
Maybe night terrors? Thats what it sounds like to me. And yes dogs can get it too, not just children. If completely normal during the day and only happens at night, I bet it is sleep related. Might try a small sleep aid or a muscle relaxer but check with your vet first.
I did wonder about nightmares or something dreaming related. It does seem to be sporadic, so I wouldn't rule it out.

My vet said he could prescribe something to calm her down when this happens. He also said that it is likely she would calm down anyway by the time the drugs kick in so he doesn't think it would be helpful. Though he would prescribe stuff if I want. I told him that I don't wanna go the drug route at this point since it seems to be sporadic and I can get her calm. If I couldn't get her calm then maybe I would contemplate drugs.