FREE Retriever Training Seminar in MN

Thanks Eric for letting me post this! To anyone in and around Minnesota, you're welcome to come on out for a free seminar on dog training and even bring your dog to get some hands on advice.

FREE Retriever Training Seminar
May 3, 2008
9AM – 5PM

Greg Larson, a Professional retriever trainer, of Sun Downer Retrievers will be putting on a FREE seminar geared toward the basic fundamentals that all young retrievers have to have in order to develop further throughout their life as a good hunting dog. This would be the first stage in training a young dog and is being offered free of charge to help introduce new and old dog owners to the enjoyment of training a hunting retriever and give you the tools to get your dog’s training going in the right direction.
This event is being hosted by Land Of Lakes HRC[/url], a local retriever club affiliated with the Hunting Retriever Club and the United Kennel Club. We will be using the facilities at Kelly Land and Cattle Company, a privately owned dog training area located 10 miles North of Hwy 36 on Co. Rd. 15 (Manning Ave) in the Marine on the Saint Croix area. If you have a hunting dog that needs a little work, a new puppy or are just looking to give your dog some work during the off season, come on out and get some good training hints for your dog.
Topics to be covered include:
1) Early obedience
2) Retrieving fundamentals and early development
3) Force fetch
4) Collar conditioning
5) Gunfire conditioning
6) Steadiness and marking development.
There will be several demonstrations with dogs at these levels of development and a Q&A session where you can get hands on help with your dog!

Kelly Land and Cattle
15710 Manning Tr N, Marine on Saint Croix, MN 55047

The Hunting Retriever Club, Inc and the United Kennel Club provide a program to develop the hunting retriever to fulfill its intended purpose in life -HUNTING!- It is an important note that HRC was established by hunters for hunters. This means that the entire philosophy of our organization is designed around this single idea. Our members are all committed hunters who want the best from their dogs in the field and around the house. Because of this our members strive to help other hunters and dog owners train and develop their dogs into great hunting dogs that are a joy to be in the field with and bring us many years of great experiences in the field.
There will be limited refreshments available on site for lunch. Please bring a chair or something to sit on for yourself. For more information, visit
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Dan, I hope I can make this one. I have beeen looking for some training club in the area but not having a lot of luck. A free seminar might be the door opener that we need. Maybe this is what my wife needs to get her Charlie Brown into some training.
Wish I was closer. I sure can use some human training for our retriever.
Best, Mike
Sounds great Tom, hope to see you there!

Mike, you're welcome to come, but I suppose the plane ticket or gas money wouldn't make it very 'free' by the time you were done!
Reminder for anyone that may have missed this. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Hopefully the weather cooperates - but we'll have a good time either way!
Ok, I guess the tent isn't going to be enough...

Sorry for the late notice, but since it is going to SNOW we have moved the seminar to an indoor location in Hugo. It will be at North Country Auto Body. Click the link for a map, it is right near the Fire Hall. If you forget and go to Kelly Farms anyway someone will be there until at least 10 or so to remind you and send you back to town.

North Country Auto Body
5451 140TH St N Hugo, MN 55038

If you need to, call me (Dan) at 651-402-7402
or Mark 651-295-5395