Since I've been hogging up the forum the past day, I thought I'd post up some pics of a project I've been working on. I've been suffering for the past 5 years with a RAM mount for my GPS and FF and wanted a little fold-away console. All I need to do is wire it up, I have some wiring to do anyway to fix some old mouse damage behind my electrical panel.
Built using a strongback of 2X material as a form that was wrapped in packing tape and held off the working surfaces by washers for clearance. If you are getting a sense you recognize the shape, it is the snowgoose line drawings from the plans. The bottom is slightly larger than the top and offset to make an asymmetric console.
Glue-up. I added the bow transom after trimming.
Removing the strongbacks through the stern - console is upside down. I added the stern transom last, I put the little block in there to resist any tendancy to twist after the form was removed.
Mounted. I've used these straps on my cockpit covers and like them a lot. They have just a little give and keep the console well tensioned, but will give if stressed.
Console in down position. I needed to be able to drop it when I have my cockpit covers on.


Built using a strongback of 2X material as a form that was wrapped in packing tape and held off the working surfaces by washers for clearance. If you are getting a sense you recognize the shape, it is the snowgoose line drawings from the plans. The bottom is slightly larger than the top and offset to make an asymmetric console.

Glue-up. I added the bow transom after trimming.

Removing the strongbacks through the stern - console is upside down. I added the stern transom last, I put the little block in there to resist any tendancy to twist after the form was removed.

Mounted. I've used these straps on my cockpit covers and like them a lot. They have just a little give and keep the console well tensioned, but will give if stressed.

Console in down position. I needed to be able to drop it when I have my cockpit covers on.

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