Gadwall Drake

Nice work. I really like the idea of the 2"X10". Next time I am in the lumber yard I will look into their stock. What do you look for when picking out your wood. I have read a post long time ago on this subject but I am unable to locate it. Again good work. Keep posting.
Really neat looking decoy. I'm sure the hen that matched it was fantastic.You do a great job with your oils.
Thanks guys.


I use several different mediums at once. I try to develop a satinny sheen to the paint. One of the best things about oils are that you can customize the look to your preference with a little experimentation. Where I've been lately is delving into what this Pod Oil can do.


I look for boards that are straight without any twist or bow as free of knots as possible and no pith. In a bunk of 100 boards there might be 4 or 5 that are usable, sometimes there aren't any.
Another spectacular bird John.......soft and rich. You can always tell when a bird has that certain "something", you just want to pick it up, hold it and feel its form, and that is just what I am wanting to do!


Keep them coming!!

John, It is difficult to tell just how big that decoy is. Could you give us some sizes, or place something on the table to give us a perspective of its size. Thanks
John, Very nice. The gadwall is my duck of choice when it comes to puddlers. They don't seem to get much attention compared to the rest. Beautiful bird.

Gary March

Pod Oil is an oil painting medium a friend of mine is hand making in very limited quantities. He asked me to try it a while back. I didn't have it when I painted this gadwall, but I used up the last of my original supply on the last two decoys I finished for Westlake. I even started experimenting with heating and cooling the oil before I added it to my paints. That caused completely different outcomes in the color range. The cooled oil brought out a very moody mellowness while the heated oil came out very warm. I don't have any photos of these decoys yet but my dealer is getting them this weekend so they will be in Cleveland the Wednesday of that week.