garage floor goo-NDR

Dwight Harley

Well-known member
I had a rubber mat under my treadmill on my concrete garage floor for a few months. When I went to move it the mat was stuck to the floor. I had to pry it up and there is a gooey mess on the concrete where the mat was stuck. I have tried acetone, Goo-Gone, TSP, without any luck....the sticky mess just spreads around. Any ideas on how to clean this up? Thanks
Lacquer thinner may help. Denatured alcohol is impressive on a lot of things. I was going to suggest acetone, but I see you've already given that a go. If you get desperate enough, I have no doubt that muriatic acid would take it up . . . along with some of your garage floor. Hahaha . . . I've used that on soaked in oil stains that nothing else will touch. It's a last resort kind of thing, but a white, rough patch in your garage may be better than partially broken down rubber sludge. Your call.
if it is a smooth concrete floor scrape as much as you can off with an edge tool. Then there is less to melt and push around. If it is brushed cement it is harder.
Wear some serious gloves with the heavy stuff mentioned. and vent the space with a strong fan.
If you have anyone who can get a hold of some toluene, that will probably remove it. Be careful as Toluene has been determined to be a carcinogen. Another product I use that has only let me down once is 3M's General Purpose Adhesive Cleaner, or GPAC, as it is referred to in the field. It is a mix of various solvents with different polarities that removes just about everything. If you lived closer, I drive over and let you use mine.

Mark W