Getting fired up! License, HIP, Stamp....


I do not know the answers because I have yet to get a response.

I do plan to write to the Commissioner to request that - in the future - the license details be printed in a font size discernible by anyone out of grade school. My 67-year-old eye leans toward 12 font. I will also ask for clarification re the need to sign any or all of the licenses.

BTW: Many years ago, I enjoyed a spur-of-the moment Canada hunt here on September 1. I had been out in the shop during the night and had - among other things - got my Model 12 and bullets ready for the Annual Waterfowl Harvest. As I headed into the house for breakfast - an hour or so after daybreak - 5 Canadas peeled over the house and landed across the road in Home Pond.

I should explain that flushing Canadas off that pond is not especially challenging. Home Pond sits down in a wooded hole with only one escape route for big, lumbering fowl. Nevertheless, I thought that the season should be inaugurated. So, I turned back to the shop and grabbed a handful of BB steel and the Thunderbolt Grease-slapper (aka Locomotive Breath) . I snuck down to the dike - the obvious outlet for big bird - and gave the birds just a glimpse of me. As expected, they commenced to honking and hollering and decided to absent the premises.

I am ordinarily a man who is ever on the lookout for that sweet "triple" opportunity. In this instance, though, such a feat might bring a fleeting feeling of accomplishment - but would quickly turn sour, knowing that I had taken unfair advantage. So, I opted for a compromise. I let the first 4 birds pass right over my head - about 20 yards up - and chose a single shot at just the last bird. Said bird collapsed as planned and the season was begun in memorable fashion - without regrets but with a single bird for the table.

As it turns out, such an opportunity again presented itself on Opening Morning a few days go. This time, though, I just smiled to myself, savored the memory, and went back to work in the shop.

All the best,




Thank you for your response.

When all the licenses that a person purchased were listed on ONE sheet. That was the sheet that had to be signed, at purchase, no ifs, ands, or buts.

I'm fairly certain that the sellers of the new licenses, were not instructed how to handle the signing of multiple licenses. When the machine spits out licenses, tags, info, and more info, like unrolling a roll of T - paper, it's difficult to keep track.

If I had been checked yesterday while squirrel hunting, with just my fishing license signed (per the clerks instructions) and not my hunting license. Things could have gotten interesting, and understandably so. These are trying times.

The goal of my post is to make folks aware. As there is no info that I can find pertaining to it.

The HIP # deal is just very confusing for all involved at present. May, or may not get ironed out.

Me thinks that if one required a HIP # to deer hunt. The poop would have hit the propellers already. [;)]

Your story made me smile.

First, because at our age, and many years of waterfowling there is less blood in the eye.

Second, because the new issue of NY Outdoor News has a editorial, about having patience with the new DECALS system.

You may get the award for having the most patience.

At that range your new south paw shooting would have done the job. [smile]

Best regards

I 've had the same problem with getting the actual HIp number. Traditionally the number ends with your birth year. I went to the site , click on buy HIP , no charge, click on the down arrow and the transaction number comes up. I put that on my license until the real one comes in the mail. I hope like an E-stamp receipt it keep me legal

I have yet to get my HIP in the mail. Printed license says only "HIP" - but no number. So, it seems proof that I have a HIP number - but is apparently me or anyone else....

All the best,


I called the number and answered the questions and "Mary" gave me my number, which I just wrote on the back of my CVS receipt. Never had a problem when I have been checked in the past, and don't see one this year either. And yes, this year your HIP does not end with the last 2 digits of your DOB, at least mine and my wifes didn't.

NY needs to get out of the dark ages and let you buy and print your license on line and not have to wait 10-14 business days to get it in the mail.
Good morning, Hank~

I expect that I, too, will resort to Alexander Graham Bell's invention once I have exhausted the interwebs approach....

Question: Was your HIP for the Green Mountain State or the Empire State?

All the best,

Steve Sanford said:
Good morning, Hank~

I expect that I, too, will resort to Alexander Graham Bell's invention once I have exhausted the interwebs approach....

Question: Was your HIP for the Green Mountain State or the Empire State?

All the best,


Steve, This was NY HIP. VT HIP I do online when buying my license and it just just prints out on the same paper. You need to do do a separate HIP for each state you hunt waterfowl in. So say I go out to OK this winter to visit our daughter at school and plan to hunt ducks, I would need to fill out an OK HIP when purchasing my license, but would check off all the "did not hunt last year boxes" as I did not hunt there last year.

HIP numbers are for each state the previous year, not for your total number of birds killed all season, in all states.

Understood about the unique HIP for each state. I have gotten them for Jersey, Maine and Vermont in other years. I presume that a single HIP vendor (private contractor) serves all 50 states - but I do not know that for sure.

It is very useful, though, to know that Vermont has figured out how to print it on their on-line licenses. New York needs to learn how before 2021.....

All the best,


What if you have no HIP number?

I purchased a Federal migratory bird stamp the other day at the post office. Then went to a license vendor to get a state stamp for my home state of Iowa. When I got home I signed the Federal stamp and affixed it to my Iowa stamp/license printout. I then put everything away in a waterproof container which holds all my hunting and fishing licenses.

Today I went and rechecked to make sure I had signed everything. I have my lifetime Iowa general hunting license,, signed. I have my Iowa 2020 migratory bird fee,, signed. I have my Federal 2020 migratory bird stamp,, signed.

What I don't have, is any HIP number on my Iowa migratory bird fee printout. I checked the Iowa regulation booklet which says "Hunters that purchase the migratory bird fee in Iowa are automatically registered with HIP."

So my question is, if I have been automatically registered, why did a registration number NOT appear on the printout I was issued? I will need to call my local DNR officer tomorrow and get his response.

I am expecting something similar here in NY. Just as with the Federal Duck Stamp. I can see no need for a number per se. Registration - and the data that come with it - are the substance. If so, we in the public at least need to know that the "HIP" printed on the license is sufficient and need not fear encounters with law enforcement.

Similarly, if we no longer need to sign our actual licenses, we need to know that. In every other year, a letter accompanied the licenses and tags when they arrived in the mail. Not this year.

Still waiting patiently, though, for a reply from the Empire State or one of its contractors....

All the best,


Hey Steve,
I am hoping that Jamie is sitting next to you with Boo and that he takes a picture of the very first duck that you will be shooting left handed. Best of luck. Like we have said most of our lives; take it one day at a time. It will work out just fine. I'll be thinking about you.
Just as a follow up, a paper copy of our NY HIP came in the mail yesterday, same format as your license.