getting old sucks.... rant....

Why I know a CoCo Channel quote, who knows? But I love the quote "you get the face you deserve at 50".....
hey, hasn't anyone told you that it really does NOT matter. Hang in there until your number comes up=enjoy what time you have left. Man, that mini rant sounded like snowflake stuff.
Sweat not the minutae, fella.

Snowflake stuff, or tongue in cheek? I hope when I get to your age, I don't loose my ability to tell :).

You are right, though, I do pretty good job of living my life to the fullest, BUT I do sweat the small stuff more than I should. Thank you wise one.
Get 5000K LED lamps or what most manufacturers call "Daylight". Rather than brighter LED's to see the work better, get the best color temp LED's to make it easy to see flaws. Then hand the trim in a room with 2700K LED's and if there are flaws, you won't see them.

And yeah, getting older sucks. If Sutton still had his Geezer club I think I now qualify.

Mark W
It wasn't too long ago I didn't wear glasses at all. I now have bifocals!! There is all kinds of 'fun' stuff I discover as the years pass by. I do appreciate things my grandfather told me a lot more now than when he told me.

Youth is wasted on the young!


I've had glasses a long time, but finally opted to go to bifocals this is boring if you miss the details!

Bifocals - geeze. I thought it was bad enough having to buy sunglasses with a magnifier. Thanks, I feel better.

My work is done here.
It wasn't too long ago I didn't wear glasses at all. I now have bifocals!! There is all kinds of 'fun' stuff I discover as the years pass by. I do appreciate things my grandfather told me a lot more now than when he told me.

Youth is wasted on the young!


I've had glasses a long time, but finally opted to go to bifocals this is boring if you miss the details!

Bifocals - geeze. I thought it was bad enough having to buy sunglasses with a magnifier. Thanks, I feel better.

My work is done here.

Back to your hole.
I've been wearing glasses since I was 4. They have saved my eyes from injury many times (but not in the school yard, I'd take em off and lets Go). Now at 66, with very good lenses, in a titanium frame I'm doin' just fine. Never skimp on a good eye examination and lenses. They are much more important than a house and all the busy work that goes with it.

Ya may have to deal with other "health issues" as well pre-Geezer. So prepare thyself, it's a bumpy ride. HHHeeeee HHHeeeee HHHeeeee
Last time I went to the Doc, nurse has me step on the scale and also checks my height. Put on a few pounds, OK I expected that. Then goes on to tell me I am an inch shorter than I've been the previous 50 years. Damn it's no wonder my grandkids are growing so fast, I must be trying to meet them halfway.
Then goes on to tell me I am an inch shorter than I've been the previous 50 years. .

There you go Tod, could be worse, you could be getting short(er)...

Back to my hole...
An inch is just the beginning. Most people will lose upwards of 2-3 inches. I've lost close to two already. Noticed it first when my pants kept dragging on the ground. My buddy, who has always been as tall as I was laughed when I told him - until I stood him against the wall and measured him. He's not laughing anymore - still the same height as me just shorter than he thought.
Hey Todd, just wait until you have your first cataract replacement surgery--Have to wear sunglasses pretty much all the time--Well, wither that, or sunburn retinas and always have a rosy outlook.
Dave - Same here, but some of it is due to very poor posture as a Geezer. I went to rehab for a shoulder injury last Spring. Got the lecture, info and workout for proper Geezer posture, and it sure did help. I was instructed to sit in a hardback chair with a roll of paper towels at lower back for support. Also a good pillow to keep neck straight while sleeping. Made it daily habit and so far so good. I don't know if I reclaimed my old height, but my back and neck feel a whole lot better.

IF yer gonna make it to Geezerhood ya better have a real good sense of humor & attitude. Xnay on the bitchin', moanin' & whining, that may take awhile to accomplish.

Watched Tony Bennet sing a few songs at his 90th birthday party last night on TV. The man is amazing. He and Keith Richards make me smile, still doin' what they love and were born to do.

Hey George, what about Shingles...
Tod, The solution to your problem is to do what my dad to me to do. He said don't ever get old. It's no fun. He lived to just short of 90. So I decided to take his advice and should see 100 with no problem.

I'll never forget when my father in law got his cataracts removed. When the doctor asked how he felt he told him he could see great but after looking in the mirror he had to apologise to his wife!!
Sometimes seeing better is depressing
John - that's a good one.

My late great gunning partner smoked two packs of Marlboro's a day, for many years. So he had cataract surgery to both eyes before he was 50. Prior to that, he was the best scout & shot I have ever hunted waterfowl with.

After the cataract surgery he was even better! Plus he could see ducks, and "look" ducks like he was Superman.

Wasn't the Marlboro's that got him though...