I agree waders are a must, Gus is on his 4th or 5th pair. Oakiwear have been good for us, look them up. I think we have a pair of 8-9 that he has outgrown here. Where in ct are you?
They've been on dove shoots, local duck hunts, etc since they were 3 years old. (a 3 year old makes a great retriever on a dove shoot)
These pictures were taken on a week long duck hunting trip 750 miles from home. Just me and a 6 & 8 year old. I preached to them, "stay warm and dry", of course they had their mishaps and we look back and laugh at them today. No cell phone, the only "vehicle" is a boat, tent camp hunting in SE La 20 miles from the nearest launch.View attachment Andrew and Zach 6 and 8 yo.jpgView attachment Andrew and Zach first trip.jpg