Getting your dog aboard your boat

Don Dixon

New member
Has anyone heard of Load-a-pup? I've invented the best way to get your dogs back onboard your boats, and now have come out with Load-a-pup HD (hunting dog). It's for your aluminum jon boats. All the info will soon be on the website. Please take a look,
I'm interested to know how you get your dogs aboard now.

Thanks all, Don
i hesitate too comment since this is an obvious add not a duck hunting friendly introduction of a new member butt id be interested in seeing the hd version
(ya might try introducing yourself on here first)
Hi Scott, Point well taken. I am new to this post, as well as to Duck Hunting. But am loving it. Even though I am now selling this product, I am anxious to let other Duck Hunters know how incredible, and possibly sport changing, the Load-a-pup HD will be.
The Regular Load-a-pup, for pleasure boats has been on the market 8 months, and I've sold many all over the country. I sent one to Portland Or. yesterday. We have been picked up by Bass Pro Shops, Sears/K-mart websites, and many other websites, for this years swimming season.
My manufacturer, is Paul Meeks, of API Outdoors, the largest tree stand builder in the world. (just sold to bass pro)
Now he makes specialty products such as mine. We've just come out with the HD model, (hunting dog) and the producer of the Hank Parker show is filming the introductory commerical now. I'll have the information on my website in about 2 weeks, although Paul has informed me I can take orders for the HD next week at the St. Louis Boat and sports show. The price will be the same as the regular one, and the HD is specially designed to mount on the transom of your jon boat. As soon as I get the pictures and videos, I'll contact you again. Thanks for your interest. Don
Mr. Dixon,
I have to say you are definitely going along the lines of soliciting sales. I suggest you move your post to the classifieds, where we buy sell and swap things.
On the other hand it is nice to see an innovative person on the duckboats site. This site has dyed in wool waterfowlers that is not your whackem stack em variety. Good hunting to you.
Thanks Leslie,
I do intend to place an add, and I really do believe this is THE, best, newest and most important advancement in duck hunting in many years. Good hunting! God Bless, Don
Thanks Leslie,
I do intend to place an add, and I really do believe this is THE, best, newest and most important advancement in duck hunting in many years. Good hunting! God Bless, Don

"best, newest and most important advancement in duck hunting in many years." That is complete BS and one of the more stupid statements I've heard in a while. Dog ramps are an unneeded accessory. Any person and dog can be taught to load into any boat from the water without a bunch of stuff hanging off the boat (other than maybe someone with mobility problems).

Someone should be quick on the trigger and delete this thinly veiled spam.

Todd, I'm sorry you feel that way. But I promise you, every person that has bought this product, is thrilled with it.
lets leave the bashing too eric and steve im sure they are on top of this thread already. but i do disagree a dog ladder is important too the way i hunt i think it helps a dog not clench its teeth as it enters the boat (ie the hand on back of the head method )but it is not the greatest most bestest thing too hit waterfowling.
I'm with Tod.

I looked at the website for the plain jane dog step. It is just a dog step. Nicely made dog step. It will work well on a sport boat with a swim ladder. All that thing really is is a tree stand platform of which there already are a couple on the market directed to hunting dog use on boats and trees. I have seen several modified tree stand platforms over the years used as dog steps so this is not an original idea.

But it being "the most important advancment in duck hunting in many years" is not a statement that holds much water. It won't help a dry field hunter. It won't help a flooded timber hunter. It won't fit a BBSB style decked boat, where a dog step is not really needed anyway. The uprights are too short to work with a high sided john boat since the ramp will be a few inches above the water level - if it is not adjustable up or down to account for free board it is useless. It won't work on a TDB style boat.

And as pointed out on this forum at least once before having the side cables holding up the ramp could prove to be an issue for the dog when trying to board in a current running perpendicular to the step. The dog might get their foot hooked up on the cable and not figure it out.

To be "the most important advancment in duck hunting in many years" if would have to work across several different styles of duck hunting and not just one.
"revolutionize" duck hunting after googling it.....its a dog step, a virtual clone of the dozens that are already available to those that feel the need to have a step to get their dog in the boat....

Being a salesman I'm not going to buy in that the poster here is so "naive" or "new" to duck hunting that he actually "thinks" that this is a "new" product. In fact it might actually have a feature or two that the current ladderrs don't have but since I know of no duck hunters who deploy a folding swim step to which they could attach Mr Meeks "revolutionary" device to I'm going to call it yet another "clone" to what is already available, (just as so many of the plethora of deer stands that are marketed by the tree stand mfg's are).

So to me this post is "spam".....but I'm going to leave it up because it made me grin this morning and I appreciated maybe Dan will read what has been said in this thread and realize that he needs to realize that his product isn't "new" and that using people like Hank Parker, you know--"if you aren't using MY DEER ATTRACTRANT PRODUCT then you aren't maximizing your hunting opportunity"--to promote your product hurts you rather than helping you and come up with a REAL marketing strategy that really would attract DUCK HUNTERS to his product....

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Not to be mean or anything.......but


Its a dog ladder, just like a bunch of others already available in Cabelas or Macks catalogs. Nothing special......nothing new.

If I had deleted this we wouldn't have gotten to see Gregg's warm caring nature displayed in such a humerous manner.....

Guys I really don't post up much but I do every now again, mostly cause I only dream of building a boat. I do have to say though that I agree fully with Steve. When I was new to duck hunting I was more interested in shooting ducks and staying dry and warm than I was at inventing stuff to "revolutioning" a sport that was new to me. I have nothing against inventors or someone wanting to sell his/her wares, just please don't do it here=do it in the proper place. Sorry JMHO

I really wanted to know how you guys got your dogs into the boat, when they are in deeper water.

The model you guys are looking at, is FOR PLEASURE BOATERS. The HD version is not yet pictured.
That is the model you guys would be interested in. I'll post an Ad, as soon as I get pictures and video's.
I can see the forum is the wrong place to talk about this. (sorry, I'm new to this)

You guys are brutal, If you'll take a look, when all the info is available, maybe you'll ease up.
(that'll teach me for jumping the gun, before I have all the information. Sooorrrry! I just got excited)
Honestly in a sneakbox, it is easy as pie to bring the dog in. She swims up , plants her feet and by holding the collar she hops right in. I am a firm believer in K.I.S.S.
My biggest problem with it is, you signed up here in our little hide away just for the purpose of profit. I don't know how you are going to put up an "ad" since this is a place that strives to keep out such shit. Posting it in the classifide section, that was meant for regular members here that share ideas and help with different problems, is no different. If that goes into the classifide section and keeps getting bumped up to the top through your attempts at "marketing", I will pester Eric and Steve till they block you out. Send me your email addy, I have some viagra to unload.

Not looking to beat a dead horse, or keep bumping your obvious attempt at profit back to the top, BUT the problem we have is we come here to talk duck hunting, about our wives, carving, boat building etc. Everytime you posted, even to appologize, you stick a sales pitch in. We are not brutal, in fact I have not met a more giving bunch of waterfowlers on the net. Case in point, I am considering building a boat, 2 separate members here spent 1/2 hour each of their own time discussing the how's and why's of building and helping me decide (I still haven't) but not one them asked for me to buy the wood from them or offered to sell anything to me, nor would they make a profit in any way. That's the point. We do what we do for fun, not profit. Thats why you rubbed everyone the wrong way, on your first post you're off an selling. Go back and look at your posts, all of them, even the one where you appologize, you're trying to hawk your wares. And on top of it it's on your first post. I'm sure you'd be welcome if you just do as we do and keep it to friendly and not profit. That's all we're saying.
I am realatively new to this site in the posting sense, but was here on the old site and have lurked here for a long time. I certainly don't want to sound high horse. But, on the old site I posted a design and pics for how to make a dog platform out of a folding aluminum chair. I didn't seek profit. The reason I made it was - 1) I needed one, 2) the chair was going to be thrown out, and 3) I wanted to do something on a summer day related to duck hunting. As I have reviewed others posts, they have similar reasons for what they do. I certainly have the means to go buy a ready made store bought dog platform, but this was a way out of the house and away from yard work and with feathers and ducky days on my mind. Therefore, I suggest a change in tact might be in order.
Don, Not to be brutal but we come here to get away from the constant attempt to seperate us from our $. Drop the act and pay attention to what the folks are telling you. I personally have given free advice and on line help to many of the members and consider this place to be like a second home with a sign on the door. ":No Soliciting!"
Don, my dog gets beaten like a red headed stepson if he even goes near the engine. LOL
I do not need my dog swimming near the engine when I am trying to set or retrieve decoys with a ripping tide and a 30 knot wind.
With you platform if a dog goes overboard you trained him to go near the engine?
I am correct with that statement??
AS for getting the dog in the boat it is always from the side of the boat. There is a tried an true method where you put your hand on the back of the neck and the dog uses you hand as leverage to lift himself out of the water.
I have used platforms but find the above method works well for me.
As for inventing something new.
It's a you will be inventing the wheel.