Good news for you guys who hunt & fish the Chesapeake

Thanks for the link Carl. Last year, the Bay was the clearest I have seen it in the 29 years we have lived near it. Fishing in the Choptank River last Fall, it was not uncommon to easily see to depths of 10 feet. No one is sure why the change was so dramatic. Speculation is relatively low precipitation and high salinity. We've got our fingers crossed that the trend continues.

I've heard a number of talks about Chesapeake restoration & nutrient reduction over the years. One piece of the puzzle that seemed to finally be realized is phosphate reductions.
When phosphate loads were cut years ago, everyone expected immediate results. Turns out that phosphates were taken up and then slowly released by bottom sediments. The sediment phosphate load is finally getting back closer to "normal". So that is part of it.
Lots of other stuff too, both in the bay and up in the watershed is making a difference.

Low flow/high salinity can be a double edged sword: Lower nutrients & clearer water is good until the salt wedge gets too far up into the bay and kills the Vallisneria back. Had that happen here back in 2007. Vallisneria beds are just now getting back to pre-drought conditions.
Thanks Carl. Yes, everyone is hoping for big things from the Bay this year. They are claiming crabs will be plentiful this year and the Rockfish season seems to have started off well. Time will tell.
