Good Precipitation News:

When I was in Ashley ND. to hunt ducks this fall, I saw a lot of dry potholes.
It looked like they had a lot of rain during the summer, but in October, it was fairly dry.
This map is from November, so it looks like they had a lot of rain after you left.
Carl, not to sure about that info, it shows South carolina with above average rainfall and that area is still having drought. I forget the name of the big lake on the GA SC border but it was 18-20 feet below full pool in Dec.
This is only for November, so while it may have been above average that month, it probably was not enough to break the drought. In fact, I remember seeing a news report before Christmas saying that while N. GA & SC were getting rain, the lakes were still way down & would stay that way until y'all got significantly more rain. We've been lucky, our drought has broken and we have been getting good rainfall this winter.
I'll vouch for Montana, actually we are way-way above normal since the begining of December. I have 33" of fresh snow on the ground at my place with snow or rain forcast every day this week. Good for the ducks but I worry about the deer and elk.