Good things come in 3's?

Cody Williams

Well-known member
Was able to get out this evening after a snowstorm that lasted most of the morning, took me 3 tries to get to one of my favorite late-season spots that I wanted to check out. I tried my boat, my sled, and finally a combination of both. Once I finally made it to my spot, I set out 3 mallard floaters. I ended up firing 3 shots of 3" #3's, and killed 3 ducks, which were 3 drakes, and all 3 were gaddies. My dog, (this is the end of her 3rd season hunting) made 3 great retrieves, and that was some of the most enjoyable 3 hours of hunting that I've had this year! I then realized that we have 3 days left in our season....maybe I can make it out 3 more times?


Something weird, one of the birds had a lopped off foot, I would love to know the story behind this one! It was fully healed over and he looked like a healthy bird that was in good shape, so he didn't seem any worse for the wear.


Great story, Cody - congratulations!

I had something very similar this season, but the recurring number was always 0.....

All the best,

Now that is a Good Day. Congratulations.

Concerning the missing foot. I have shot several puddle ducks over the years with the same thing.

From years of observation at Pymatuning Lake and Shenango Lake . It is my opinion that the foot was lost due to it being frozen in ice, while the bird was sleeping. I have watched ducks frantically trying to pull their foot loose in that situation, and will not stop no matter the price. It heals over and they adjust to the situation.

Life is not easy for them, and they we come along and make it worse...[;)]

Best regards
I would say that a turtle of fish went to take the bird when it was young, and the bird got away, leaving the predator with a snack, rather than a feast!
Hard to believe that gaddies are still that far north this late in the year!

I shot a one-footed spoonie once, I figured it was a snapping turtle injury.

I have seen fish take ducklings as well as adult birds. I have yet to see one bird get away(even though it must happen). The ducklings disappear in a short time, the adult birds put up a struggle, but also disappear. They go for meat not feet...[smile]
tod osier said:
Next time you go out try some 7s! :)

Looks like a great day!

Haha, it was! Thanks for the replies guys, Carl we tend to have gaddies that hang out here through the end of the season, as long as they can find a tiny patch of open water they will be out there with the goldeneyes, mallards, and greenwing teal. Lots of good theories on the foot, personally I'm going with sharkbite-at least that's what I'll tell my kids!