jeff minnick

Active member
just wondering if anyone here ever made goose sticks
i'm on my third batch still not happy i'v been cutting with 1/3 pork
putting in collagen casings and smoking till 165 deg.internal temp
we do the breast meat cut in thin sliced strips placed on wood skewers and then soaked in teriaki. These get grilled over a fire and dont last long.
Not the cased Slim Jim, but one very good way to eat geese.
When I do mine, I use 70/30 ratio of ground goose breast meat to ground pork. I grind the goose once on a medium grind, then re-grind incorporating the pork as I grind with a finer plate. I use seasoning kits I buy at Gander Mounatain. I've been very happy with them and so has everyone who has tried them.
Bob B
I do the same with Brant. My 5 year old niece love them. She calls them Brant pops