Gordy has a cut on his pad rear foot.. advice?

Dave Shady Larsen

Well-known member
what can I do? its not deep at all but it is thru the pad to the meat area but not deep at all. I put peroxide on it and some neosporin (that he licked off in about 4 minutes) I assume hes done in the water for a while? argh

advice from thoes that have done this B4.

I'm no doctor but I fixed my hound up one time with crazy glue. Cleaned it with something and then glued it together. No problems. We glued Sara Wilson's head twice with crazy glue.

thought about that mike, I glue myself back together all the time lol. But this was cut yesterday at least 24 hours ago and I was a lil affraid to do that since its not fresh and is just the thick skin layer that was cut. Need a photo........ ugh this may kill me he HATES his feet touched.
EMT Gel Dave!!!!! It's the sheet for patchin' up stuff like that!!!

I carry a tube in my dog box & blind bag.



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Colby cut his frpnt foot pad almost all the way through....I about passed out. Vet said to clean it, antibiotic cream(neo-sporin) and wrap it in gauze. I used a sock over the gauze and ace bandage to hold the sock on so he wouldn't chew and lick it. Those things heal pretty quick.
I agree with Josh, EMT gel. I keep it in my bag and have used it in the past. I always make sure I have a good tube full anytime I take the dog out.

I agree with what's been said.

I always use a sock after taping up the foot w/ gauze, neosporin, and super glue.

Tape the sock on and if he chews on it smack the shit outta him.

Always works with Sandie, she just walks a little funny w/ something on her feet.

well he is pissed off at me now... lol

got the EMT gel and went back out for some gauze and got some wrap stuff that one of my firends also recomended instead of the sock that will stick to itself. Denise and I got it cleaned out real well again and got the EMT gel on it an lightly put some fresh gause on the cut then as losely as possible wraped it up. WIll change it before bedtime and try and get it a bit looser. my size 14-18 socks are a bit to big for his petie lil footies.

Thanks for the help and Ideas guys. Really appreciated

Dave,I don't know about crazy glue.I agree with the EMT gel,and I would gause wrap/pad it then use duck tape (tell Gordy it's dog tape),and bring it up high enough to simulate a boot.Wrap the first piece sticky side out above his wrist joint .That will hold the other pieces on and make it easier,on Gordy, when you take it off.I would talk to the vet,he may want a stich in there.
It will heal up in no time with that EMT Gel. Give Gordy an extra ear scratching and scooby snack from me & Cooper!!
Joe, my vet said he could stitch Colby's foot but it would be a waste of money. The pads won't hold stitches very well unless you keep the dog motionless. Ira said the same thing. Luckily, if you keep it clean and dry with anti bacterial cream, they heal pretty fast. In two weeks you couldn't tell Colby's pad was almost split through.
Don't let him lick it! As I write this my dog Daisy is getting reprimanded for licking her paw (yes, really).

Seven years ago she stepped on a piece of metal flashing roofers threw off the side of the house. She cut her front pad pretty good. A trip to the vet and she was fixed right up, so I thought. Left alone she licked and licked her paw until it was raw and bleeding, on the top. She couldn't reach the bottom, so licked the top.

I got her an e-collar (cone from vet, Elizabethan collar not shock collar), but it wasn't big enough, still licked. I needed a bigger one, but it was too late the damage was done. To this very day, she will lick her paw raw to bleeding, if left unattended and nervous. Apparently the physical scarring is gone but the mental and emotional scaring is still there.

I have the biggest e-collar (cone, Elizabethan collar) I could get for her to wear when we are out. Don't let this happen to your dog! Granted Daisy was picked from the litter for looks not smarts. Seven years later she will still lick her paw raw, probably to the bone, if I let her.
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Are you sure there isn't some foreign object still embedded in the paw?

Strike this comment - (((This may sound like a jerk comment - but that is not the best (or proper?) use of an e-collar. You shouldn't use it as punishment... )))

I didn't know e-collar meant the cone thing, sorry.

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Morning Update:

Night went well, the adhesive wrap stuff is working great, the EMT gel should help for sure. Lucky he is not even messing with it on his foot.
He is strange that if i tell him in a calm voice "Gordy thats a NO NO thats a NO" he will not mess with whatever you tell him and actually sits next to you and want to be petted. I was real careful not to get it to tight and he doesn't even know its there.

Getting ready for work this morning I was shaving and left the 2nd drawer open and he snuck in and took mommys hair brush and RAN.... god he can be such a dork. We did not chase but Denise caught him and got it back. He acts normal wants to play and rough house and chase the cat. I'm trying to keep him calm but he's an idiot.... btw he also has swimmers tail right now at the same time as the cut foot.... I told him thats if for the season no MORE problems.

For going outside i put a 2 layer of saran wrap on the foot and secured with some medical tape to the leg seems to work for his quick trip outdoors. Working till 8pm today so he can relax and sleep...

Thanks again will hope he is good to go by next friday 3 day weekend and the divers should be starting to make an appearance on the big pool.
She damaged the front of her paw by licking and now has a nervous tendency to do it. I don't put it on as punishment, simply to keep her from licking uncontrollably. She has her good days and bad. she is actually quite comfortable in it. Of course she would rather have it off, but it doesn't bother her that much. E-collars (Elizabethan collars) are only to protect dogs from themselves and that is what I use it for. I don't yell at her to quit licking, it would only make it worse, I just put on the cone and she gives up.


Are you sure there isn't some foreign object still embedded in the paw?

This may sound like a jerk comment - but that is not the best (or proper?) use of an e-collar. You shouldn't use it as punishment...

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Aren't Labs the best? I can tell my Sammy to stop licking a sore and he will... while sighing loudly in protest. They just want to please you. Sam cut his paw this summer, blood everywhere. It took about 4 weeks to fully heal. Good luck.
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Are you sure there isn't some foreign object still embedded in the paw?

This may sound like a jerk comment - but that is not the best (or proper?) use of an e-collar. You shouldn't use it as punishment...


LOL he's not talking about an ELECTRONIC Collar, but one of the "cones"


I did the same thing my when my vet used the term "e-collar"
Yes, I mean Elizabethan collar, not electronic collar. (vets call them an 'e-collar') It didn't dawn on me that you thought I meant a shock collar. Yes a shock collar in that situation would be quite brutish indeed.

P. S. I updated my previous posts with 'Elizabethan collar'.
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