Great hunt over Members decoys

Bill Embacher

Well-known member
Seems like a lot of members took advantage of the cold this weekend and had amazing hunts. My group did as well, and I decided to hunt a few Duckboats forum members decoys.
My brother and I both shot this bird, luckily it didn't get ruined, a first for both of us. We knew he was in the area and we weren't sure if we would be able to pick him out of a flock. He stuck out like a sore thumb, and on top of it pulled out of a passing flock and came in all alone.

We also took a storm wigeon, the second our group has taken, and both by the same guy! Didn't know he was there, nor did he know he shot it until I picked him up!

My brother also shot a bull pintail, some parts of the country shoot a lot of them, but we're lucky to shoot more than one or two a year here in new england. For the decoys, from left to right, a Pat Gregory can from his delta marsh rig, an Ed Gagne shovler, my greater scaup, and a Pete Revicki black duck.

What sweet memories that will last a life time let alone until next year's opener. Congratulations on those magnificent baldpates, Bill.
Thanks Al, wigeon have always been my favorite species, I could never imagine getting to handle those all in the same hunt!
Wow Bill, great bird! and looks to have been a great hunt all around. Wow, fun when the cool ducks show up to the party late season.
Nice hunt over beautiful decoys! I really like your scaup decoy, is there any way you could PM me a copy of the pattern for it?

Congrats on the Eurasian, very cool!
Continued thanks guys.

John, I cut out top patterns, and then just sketch on the side of each block and cut it out (no side patterns). I will sketch something up for you thats close and provide the head and top view.
