Gruesome Discovery

It does play on your mind. As others have said I'm glad you were able to get the family some closure. I was in a boat with a guy running spring trout lines in my teens when the guy I was with found a guy entangled in roots off an island. I was running the motor and did not see the individual well thankfully. My partner blocked my vision and told me to pull away from the island. We went to the nearest harbor and called authorities. We found out it was a hunter that had drown up river. The one accident that stays with me was when I was merging onto a bridge over the Mississippi River some years ago. A semi and a pickup went into the left lane and passed as I and a car in front of me merged. The pickup decided to pass the semi on the right once he got past us. The semi apparently didn't see the pickup and pulled back into the right lane. The pickup truck could not stop fast enough and gunned it. The trailer forced the truck up and over the guard rail. The truck crashed through the ice on the river below. Fisherman found the driver of the truck washed up on shore down river from where I live a couple of months later with the spring thaw.
Wow!!! I can?t imagine how I would react in a similar situation.

One thing I do know Eric. If this starts bothering you in any way, to talk to someone. Anyone. Friend, relative, pro whoever. No shame seeking someone to talk with.

Mark W

Thank you for the kind words and concern. I am doing fine. The first few nights after finding the body I did not sleep at all. I kept playing the discovery over and over in my head. I guess my brain just needed time to process it. I'm sleeping fine now. I got an email from Bob Furia before I left for Thomas's and my hunting trip to MO and think I'll post my response to Bob below. It captures mentally where I'm at and probably will be.


Looking back I walked an almost perfect straight line from my boat on the river, 300 yards. This swamp is miles long and I went to it like I knew where to go. Crazy. A team of rescuers, dogs, helicopters, and drones were used and somehow I went in after they gave up. Earlier that day I was sitting at home on the computer and looked at the swamp on google earth. I hadn't been there in 4 or more years and I know we have very few ducks but just got up and went to take a look to see what the swamp looked like this year for a possible hunt later in the season. If there has ever been a time in my life where God put me somewhere to do something this was it. I am proud to have helped this family get resolution. People have asked me if I'm upset or how I'm feeling. My emotions are more of astonishment than anything else. Well that and some satisfaction knowing the family can move on. It all just seems so unreal.
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Glad you are ok and the family has closure. Sometimes things just happen for no explainable reason but to restore cosmic karma. Ya done good.

Glad you are ok. Takes time to completely get over it.

Several years ago, a elder gentleman was driving a vehicle on the highway in front of our office and ran into the street light pole in a seeming harmless manner. I was not in our office at the time, but dad heard the bang and immediately ran out of the office to check on the vehicle. The elder gentleman apparently had a heart attack and was dead before he even hit the light pole. Dad still to this day says he can vividly remember walking up to the car and seeing the dead man. He did struggle for some time getting over that, but did finally put it behind him.

You are 100% correct that the good Lord put you on a path to find that gentleman so his family could have closure!