Gus Heinrich BBSB

rich scheffer

Well-known member
Friend of mine: Capt. Tom Gardi stopped out to my boat shop to show me his BBSB. This is a Gus Heinrich boat. It was given to Capt. Tom by his grandfather. Needless to say it's been in his family forever. It's only 10 ft. long, incredibly light. Easy one man boat in and out of the truck! Thought you guys might enjoy looking at it. Bear says "Where do I sit?"

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As for him one for himself and give him a pair of oars...he looks strong enough to row from here to AK..

Robert: Capt Tom has used it for quite some time on lake O mostly the north end up near buckhead ridge. says no one ever knew he was there, boat hides so good!
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I bet Bear could be placed in a roading harness and he'd pull that little boat where ever you wanted to go. No need for motor or oars with that big guy pulling you along. :)
John: Capt Tom is a jersey boy!Ran my boy Diesel in a hunt test in St. Augustine yesterday met a bunch of guys from UWF am finally starting to put faces and real names to nicknames or handles. thats Why I like this sites policy on real names only! then again maybe some of those other guys dont want anyone to know who they are. Tom is going to touch up the paint etc and hang it in his den. After all it is a family heirloom. First he is going take the lines off it and duplicate it out of foam and class.
The new one shpuld be in his family for the next three or four hundred years even if they leave it out behind the garage Rich
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Wow! Thank you for sharing, nice little boat......started drooling!


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