Hailing all NY hunters, SAFE Act as it pertains to ammo purchases and licenses

So if a grade schooler of hunting age has a handwritten license and one of the teachers sees it is he suspended from school?

Mark W
I tend to feel the same way with what Ron Shuna said in his post. "lost all the data"...just sounds kinda fishy to me. What was wrong with old system? Nothing. Why do we need a new system? We don't. Something is not right about this not sure what it is, but just not right.


I agree with you. Something is not right. I'm not one for believing in conspiracy theories but something stinks hear. The goveror is doing all he can to destroy our rights and with the whole Safe Act fiasco, he should have been removed from office. Talk about abuse of power....what he did was criminal and no one will ever convince me otherwise.

When I asked the DEC how they could loose the information I was told they had switched data management companies and when the info was migrated over, that is when it was lost. Whether or not that is true we will probably never know, but one thing is for sure. They are doing what ever they can to make it as hard as possible on law abiding gun owners. They will not stop until they get their way.
Wow! When is Cuomo's term up? The good folks of NY state need to start some petitions, do a letter writing campaign, or find another way to rock the boat. This is nuts. I thought Mass. was corrupt.....holy crap!

Wow! When is Cuomo's term up? The good folks of NY state need to start some petitions, do a letter writing campaign, or find another way to rock the boat. This is nuts. I thought Mass. was corrupt.....holy crap!


he is up for reelection this year - running around to all the cities handing out cash

all that has been done - to no avail - the first round of lawsuits only struck down the 7 round magazine limit - and many DA's say they will still enforce that because they don't have to follow federal decisions on state law. almost all counties and the Sheriff's assoc. have protested. Upstate is outnumbered at the polls

hopefully it will get to the current SCOTUS before there is another vacancy to fill.
I copied the text in the first post above and sent it along to my friends at GOAL, the Mass. gun owner's league. This stuff is shocking, and terrible.
I really hope someone shakes Cuomo's tree and he stops this stupidity.

Cuomo is up for reelection this year. The news papers give him a good rating. His rating is going down, but he'll give out a bunch of money before elections and people forget. The newspapers are in his pocket...
Rent a bill board near NYC with some of his recent sound bites, like the quote he made the other day that "Pro-lifers, pro-Second Amendment, and conservatives are not welcome in the state of New York." That should get someone's attention.

When we have a governor who states "those who are pro life, pro 2nd amendment and pro traditional marriage have no place in the State of New York" and then the Mayor of NYC backs him 100% on that statement.

It sounds like you New Yorkers have plenty to be concerned about, but I find it near impossible any politician said the words in quotes. Did he really say that?
The real question is why did the Assembly and Senate pass the law in the first place. You can and should ask your representatives . Then vote accordingly.
When we have a governor who states "those who are pro life, pro 2nd amendment and pro traditional marriage have no place in the State of New York" and then the Mayor of NYC backs him 100% on that statement.

It sounds like you New Yorkers have plenty to be concerned about, but I find it near impossible any politician said the words in quotes. Did he really say that?


he actually said "right to life, pro-assault weapon, anti-gay" which he deems as extreme conservatives

but yes - he said they have "no place in the state of New York"
I know I'm a little off topic. But, Once again in this countries history Democrats have chosen to divide it. All this under the leadership of a president who finds admiration in president Lincoln . How ****ing ironic. I do not know the population of NY but I doubt if even every warm body outside of the big cities voted it would even upset the elections. The rural areas feed the cities. Maybe we should get two votes or stop selling food to them? That might get their attention in, Albany, Harrisburg or Columbus Etc..

Gene R.
We were told at a SCOPE meeting, by a NY assemblyman, that those in office WANT hunters and gun rights people to Leave NY. That way it's much easier to make it a Total Welfare State. The laws here are the template for the USA, if they stick here. I've only lived here 3+ years, and after the SAFE act seriously thought of leaving. I love it here, as it IS a sportsman's paradise governed by Politicans, not Statesman. Leaving is not a option now, we have to much to loose.