I've been kicking around a project in my head a couple of years now and this season has me wanting to bring it to fruition. I'd like to build a dodger for my Devlin Broadbill, but instead of a canvas dodger I'm thinking about making it a hard-top that attaches to the cockpit coaming but comes off easily. I scraped the below picture off the net years ago and it is sparking some ideas in my head as to how to go about making a hard top. Basically I'm thinking of fabricating a rough frame from laminated strips of ash, or some other easy to bend wood, cedar stripping the frame, and adding a layer of glass for good measure. Anyone ever seen a hard top dodger and have any ideas? Anyone think a hard-top is a bad idea or think I should just stick with a canvas one? I can't sew but I can build from wood so that is part of what is making me want to try it. Seems like it would be very sturdy to use as a grab handle when running the boat as well.
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