Hello from bird dogging new member

RD Nelle

Active member
Hello all,
I will start off by saying I have bird dogging this site off and on for many years (maybe 10 years) and am now trying to come clean by joining in the fray. In the past, I had to sneak on my wife's home work computer, which she claims I would invariable leave behind unwanted worms, trojan horses, and black holes. I try to stay away from "duck slapper" and the like sites these days. Well, I finally got a computer of my own, almost! I have to pry out of the hands of my kids most evenings, but I can usually get it with a good bait and switch technique.

I always enjoyed learning about duckboats from this site and hope to continue for sometime.

I promised myself that another duck season would not come and go without a duckboat either built or bought. I had to sell the boat when we left SW Alaska, since it was too much to ship to the lower 48. I really screwed up, the money went into the house and never came out. How does that work? That's all for now. Need some advice on boat but will check old posts first or put in another post.
Welcome aboard! Many here too glad to give boat advice, but tis a good thing, just rember to give info of what, where & how ya hunt for what boat to get. Enjoy this place.
Welcome RD
Looking forward to your post and thoughts. I see your from Washington State. Thanls for finally coming aboard.

Gary March
Welcome, glad you joined in. Real nice site here with plenty of info available. But you already should know that. Looking reading more on your forward to reading more on your endeavors.
Thanks for the welcome, folks. Just sitting hear killing time waiting for a soccer game and listen to my son practice guitar. Acoustic only "Smoke on the water" and Green Days "Good riddance". That first one will be in my head all day.

I plan on looking at used boat today, and have call out for 9.9hp motor. So the fleet building begins.