Hey Steve, I am hoping Harker doesn't mind but...

Scott O.

Well-known member
I needed a model to illustrate my idea for a seating arrangement in the new boat that we discussed the other day Theres not much room in there so I have to be efficient with the space.


The top illustration would be Lee in "The Rowing Position", atop the thwart platform suspended on hangers between the coaming sides The lower illustration shows Lee in the layout hunting/napping position. I have the rowing seat/backrest folded down into the more stealthy "act like I am sleeping in order to fool the ducks" position.

Maybe build each component's frame out of treated 1x4, hinged as shown, and cover the frames with 1/2 x 2 treated lath. I even have some camo boat seats for that soft touch.

Luckily, I will have more time to think about it while 5-8" of snow falls on us Michiganders tomorrow.

[inline boatpic3.jpg]

View attachment Boatpic3.jpg
View attachment Boatpic3.jpg

One observation for your consideration. As illustrated when rowing, your muddy feet will be resting on the backrest portion. This may not be the best idea. How about sizing the components such that the blue portion shown stays on the floor and the green portions fold up and over forming the rowing seat. I realize that you would be sitting on the "underside" of the back rest so it may need some design thinking to handle the stress from both directions. It might not work at all but if it did, at least you would (a) not be putting your muddy feet on the topside of the backrest and (b) have unlimited room for your legs and feet when rowing.
My drawing probably isnt very clear but if I am reading you right, I think you have described my intention Dave.

The piece that forms the backrest (in green) is actually the same piece that the rower would be sitting on (in blue)...its just folded up and in the horizontal position hung on the coaming hangers. So when you are rowing your feet would actually be on the floor of the boat. Does that make sense?
Actually that illustration was also supposed to depict the stop action drama of Lee as a veteran waterfowler correctly mounting his vintage short barrelled John Wayne-style Greener side-by-side...

...guess that didn't come thru very clear either
Andy - the easy answer is "because that would not be over-engineering, which happens to be one of my hobbies"

Hell, I am still wondering if I can add a jet pump drive to this thing
Andy - the easy answer is "because that would not be over-engineering, which happens to be one of my hobbies"

Hell, I am still wondering if I can add a jet pump drive to this thing

When I first glanced at the drawing I thought 'Sliding seat??' So you actually could go quite a bit farther without significantly adding to the usefulness.
Dang, Lee lost a lot of weight on that hospital food. Have you got a lunch box in that boat so he can fatten up!
Just a sugestion, do NOT use treated wood. A lot of people don't realize just how corrosive pressure treated wood is, especially in a damp environment. I have a lot of experience with it as I work with it quite often. It especially likes to eat up aluminum! i would suggest using Doug Fir.

Gotcha now, At first I thought the blue portion merely lifted up for the rowing seat and layed down to form part of the floor. As for the "jet" drive,,,,,,,,,,,,, a couple high output bilge pumps mounted outside the hull in the aft area ought to provide plenty of thrust given Lee's emaciated condition.
Man, that is really scary--a dirty arse and no toes!!
Course, if the boat is towed, the seat might not get dirty, or, you might still be able to find an old folding canvas chair-used on the beach---Dave can always use the work if it needs recovering.....
Well I let a day pass, having had my fun with the Rube Goldberg approach to boat provisioning.

Andy Grant was of course, the voice of reason, with his message of "Keep It Simple Scott"

Check this out http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://images.cabelas.com/is/image/cabelas/s7_011361_imageset_01%3F%24main-Medium%24&imgrefurl=http://www.cabelas.com/prod-1/0001669011361a.shtml&usg=__Y5DNvv7d6azlh3SfLq2fqnkRzDc=&h=220&w=380&sz=15&hl=en&start=16&tbnid=MOBp2nNJf9ZUpM:&tbnh=71&tbnw=123&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcanoe%2Bseat%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den

and you will get an idea of where I am headed next.

And naturally I am not going to just plunk down 70 beans when I have the opportunity to make the exact same thing for even more money...right? Wheres the fun in that?

I'll ask the guys at the shop to bend up some our expensive glazing aluminum to fit...maybe install a plywood seat over that with some shotshell holes (holders) and a notch to set my gun in when I am in the layout position
I like your original idea. Hurry down to the patent office. You may be hunting in South America sooner than you think. Of course you will be able to bring one of your friends along. ( ; )