history lesson (ndr)

Most kids don't get opportunities like hunter safety courses but education does work. Why not a firearm safety course in the schools? Boys make the right move with loaded gun in theater

“He sat down in his chair and I heard a ‘clunk’ and I looked down and there it was,” Kolton’s classmate, Levi Crabtree, told CNN affiliate KGW in Portland.

The gun the boys found in the theater.
It was a gun, a small-caliber, semi-automatic pistol. It was fully loaded with a round in the chamber, Tillamook Police Chief Terry Wright said.
Levi and Kolton didn’t touch the weapon. They alerted a school staffer who was on the field trip, who then alerted police.
Why didn’t the boys pick up the firearm?
"I'm a Boy Scout and Kolton and me took a hunter safety class. One of the rules is that you treat all guns as if they're loaded," Levi told KPTV.

BTW...the gun owner was found and had a CCP but did not report the lose of the firearm. His CCP has since been revoked.
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Here and at other places across the net folks have stated that gun violence is increasing or violent crime is increasing.

That is not accurate. It is being reported more often by the media to get page views and keep the chaos that makes them money going.

gun violence in America

The FBI says

In 2011, an estimated 1,203,564 violent crimes occurred nationwide, a decrease of 3.8 percent from the 2010 estimate.
When considering 5- and 10-year trends, the 2011 estimated violent crime total was 15.4 percent below the 2007 level and 15.5 percent below the 2002 level.​
The AWB from 1994 was claimed to be responsible for the reduction in crime. Since the AWB expired in 2004, crime rate trends have continued to decrease. If the AWB had any effect on crime from 1994 to 2004 then the rate would have to have increased as significantly as it was decreasing when passed in 1994.

And yet if I were to believe the media I would think Detroit and New Orleans had streets awash in blood. They do have the highest rates of gun violence in the US and its shown to be tied to poverty in urban settings.

If you want a detailed mathmatically supported theory about why crime rates started dropping a few years before the 1994 AWB - and continues to drop - then pick up a copy of the bestseller "Freakonomics - the hidden side of everything".
Hey now here is a plan. Only people of certain higher income levels, and those who can pass a basic competency exam can own firearms. I like this one.....

Mark W
One of my favorite lines is from former president Harry S Truman who once quipped- "there are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics"

Unfortunately, there is so much information and so called statistics, just what do I believe?

All these comments and views of others continues to be one of the best rights of this country. In one issue of an NRA magazine, the term assault rifle was an invention of the Germans near the end of WWII. It was a short barrelled rifle that was accurate to 300 yards and had high capacity magazine. Every gun that has the look of high capacity, no matter the barrel length, gets thrown in with the label of an assault weapon.
We may never know what set the person off that wanted to commit suicide and kill innocent people first. The mother may have thought she was doing right by the way she was treating her son, as most mothers want to look for the best in their children. Why he thought his situation was so hopeless or reacted with fear, hate or some other reason in mine to make him kill will be a subject of debate for a long time. I do not believe any of us want to be left defenseless. We all need to input quality of reasoning to coming debates as the future of our rights are at stake. Some the founders distrusted a central government and wanted a Bill of Rights. How our rights get shaped from this terrible event is yet to be known.
I have to echo Eric's comment:

"I would support any teacher who wanted gun training...

I would support any teacher who wants to carry a gun IN SCHOOL to protect themselves or others."
Jon, I am with you. There is so much "so-called" statistics from every direction that I really do not know what to believe. This recent shooting was a horrible incident that will take along time for the families and community to recover from. I firmly believe that putting together a task force within days after this tragedy and coming up with a "solution" within a month is a knee-jerk reaction. This topic is way to hot to try and handle right now. May cooler heads prevail.

I have to echo Eric's comment:

"I would support any teacher who wanted gun training...

I would support any teacher who wants to carry a gun IN SCHOOL to protect themselves or others."

I'm not so sure about this. I have enormous respect for teachers, and I spent the first 10 years of my adult life as a teacher. But teachers are as susceptible to human failings as the rest of us, and if we arm millions of teachers, surely some of them will be criminals, mentally unstable, or careless. What are we going to say the first time some teacher leaves his "unloaded" hand gun unattended while he takes a leak, and a child picks it up? Or when it's a teacher who loses it and goes on a rampage in his or her own classroom? When a teacher who turns out to be a pedophile has the added authority of an in-school carry permit?

I don't think there are any easy answers here. Folks are correct to be skeptical that an assault weapons ban will solve this problem. We should be skeptical about other easy solutions, too.
I travel a lot for my work. Over the years, I have just about "worn out" the "scan" button on the radio. I caught a little of the Diane Rhem show yesterday. I am not normally a fan of NPR, but it caught my ear.

She had several guests on talking about the mentally ill side of this tragedy. It WAS VERY interesting.

According to the guests, thirty or forty years ago there was something like 559,000 "beds" (by "beds" they are refering to available rooms and boarding, housing at the instatutions etc.), while as of today there are only about 40,000 beds available, yet the populations has increased dramatically. Main reason-MONEY

At the end to sorta sum up the conversation, Diane asked their opinions about where the guns came into play.

As I recall, all of the guests felt that all Washington will spend a lot of "public media" time on what will actually be an inefective knee-jerk reaction. With the biggest two factors being time and, of course MONEY. It will take virtually no money to pass a gun law that will really accomplish very little but yet be VERY dramatic to the media. But it would take Billions, that's with a "B" to take the time to study and fund the mental institutions to "bed" some of these patients.


I hate government control but am in favor of a national data base that recognizes potential threats posed by mentally disturbed persons. Once recognized these people should be denied access to firearms and receive help.
Mr.Obama is borrowing 40 billion a month for his failed stimulus plans, lets but some of this money to work where it will do some good. While we are at it let's put two armed officers in every school,harden the first floor doors and windows and permit access only through a metal detector,that will create jobs and stimulate the economy,
Radical ? i think not.
""I have lots of opinions all the time. Even I know not to offer them to someone in mourning. Our country is in mourning, I live in a town where stuffed animals and flowers now probably outnumber its residents, sad to say".

I appreciate the apology.


Todd first of all let me say how sorry I along with my family are for the event that took place in Newtown.
I hope you don't take it the wrong way but it is the world in mourning along with America.
The shooting has had a far reaching impact on alot of people including here in Canada.I just finished a conversation with my 7 year old daughter who since the shooting has been sleeping with her mother and waking in the night afraid that someone will come to hurt her.She is terrified to go to school and is constantly stuck to one of us.
What America needs to do with its gun laws is not up to me to decide but why is it only after a some terrible event occurs that something needs to be done and politicans suddenly care about people?

,,,Chuck Cooper