Holy Snot-Sickles Batman!

Tell your wife that you'll only go if she'll go. then duck and run.

Hope you feel better soon.

Mark W
Sorry for all your suffering in the mid west. We here in Anchorage, Alaska are suffering too. It is just the opposite end of the scale. This morning it was 47 ABOVE at the house and the wind was howling through blowing trash cans every where.

What is the worse part of it is the 2 to 3 inches of ice on the less frequently driven streets. It is all polished smooth by the rain and melting. Even with studded Nokian ice tires and 4WD I have a hard time keeping the truck straight on the stuff if I go more than 15mph.

School has been canceled for three days now. The buses have auto chain systems but those don't work well on the hillside homes with the steep roads. Plus the kids can't stand up on this stuff in the high winds and rain waiting for the bus.

These storms are refered to as the Pinapple Express due to their origination in the mid Pacific near Hawaii. They shoot straight north into the Gulf of Alaska and either just blow warm winds or dump a lot of rain and blow warm winds. It has been three days of this and we are looking at another big storm coming on Friday night.

On tuesday I had two feet of snow in the back yard and it was just above zero after two weeks of below zero. Now I have about 6 inches of hard ice for the dog to run around on. At least I don't have to shovel off the roof anytime soon. It will be snow and ice free in two more days I am guessing.
Hey Ray, my grandpa used to call that a "Chinook wind"; a warm wind that blows in unexpectedly. It's usually a good deal, but it sounds like its making things worse...
Sounds like a drag wtih the ice and all.
Dave and all:

You gotta BELIEVE ME!

It was + 52 F. up in the hills of Fairbanks today! Tough But I'LL deal with it.

Roads terriable, Windy as I've seen it. SOB Love this Global Warming.

Oh I believe you about the temp there, saw it on the TV. Actually it happens quite often that Anchorage (I know you're in Fairbanks) is warmer than Iowa on some winter days. When it happens I tell my wife that it's time to move. Apparently she is not in full agreement as I am still here, stuck between the soybeans and cornfields. hehe
broke all our records up in the east minus 38C with out windchills this am wasnt as bad -25c
Burn more wood and leave your vehicle idle longer.....we need to stop global cooling now!! It is everybody's responsibility to generate a larger carbon footprint. Instead of chastising Al Gore, thank him, for setting such a high standard of carbon generated use.
-15 here last night...about -2 right now and sunny. We are supposed to have 20-30mph gusts tonight and tomorrow. I hate wind.

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM and this from you Lee???????
Tim,it hit the single digits here in Delaware with wind chill in the minus degrees, but i managed to getout onto the Del. River this Sat 17 th .it was tough the ramp iced up, my boat the Hawk prematurely slid off the trailer scraching the fiberglass bottom runners #{:#@*+ almost breaking an ass bone getting the Lab {Buster}into the tdb hawk.After setting the deeks out no sooner said the ice flow started its claim on my deeks and would you know here come the ducks I mean 8 &12 or more in groups and here I am wide open on the water still trying to set up. I finnaly got a black & hen mallard. Tide changed so I re-located and wham another mallard {drake} a little while later a goose then another, total bag was 4-Ducks & 2- Canada Geese,getting dark heading back to the ramp for another ball breaker . I allways believe you pay for what you take from the water or river or marsh one way or another.Last time my push pole rolled off the boat and sank before I could catch it, that was a high price to pay for taking 1- ring neck duck,yeh you could call me clumsle ,or maybe old i don't know.but shit happens to the bast of us sooner or later. I,ll be going out again this weeks soon as i'm up to it.see ya cas
Cas' posts reminds me of great advice an old time duckhunter gave me
when I started ducking with him in Delaware in 1981.
"Tom:Everything works and looks great in 60 degree temps
when you are setting your boat up in
the driveway in the Fall.Wait until you break ice at the ramp to REALLY FIND OUT!!!!"

The accuracy of that remark has been demonstarted many times over the years