Homemade Spray Dodgers?

Steve O

Active member
It seems there's rarely a post here about anybody constructing their own spray dodger.

That's kind of surprising (given the high skill levels apparent from the construction quality seen in so many of the boats exhibited on this forum).

Could it be that so many more men have wood working knowledge as opposed to sewing and fabric knowledge?

Anyway, I'm contemplating making one for my boat, and have no sewing or fabric knowledge.

If anybody who has built their own has photos (or experiences) they're willing to post, I'd appreciate seeing what they've done and/or have to say.
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Yes, a few of us have. It's not as easy as it would seem but it isn't rocket science either. In my case I bought a sewing machine and some material and went at it. Worked though it wasn't very pretty. Your best bet is to contact Dave Clark from this forum as that is his business and he is very good at it. He has been pretty good about giving tips. The other guy you might want to contact is Dave Morton from your back yard (RI) as I think he made his own also and did a much better job than I did.

View attachment BB3dhbpevent.jpg

Good Luck,
Wow Bill!!! You have more patience than me. I was going to construct a frame and take it to a local canvas shop to have them put a skin over it. I never even thought about doing it myself. You did a really nice job.
Bill, which of the two dodgers that you made do like better? I like the simplicity of the single bar frame on the open water dodger, but the "y bar" camo dodger seems like there might be more concealment. I'm not sure wich way to go on my AA broadbill. Any thoughts?

Gene R.
Pete ,

Thanks for the complement but all i did was bend the iron work the rest was stitched by a local canvas guy , Steve if you want to come check out what i did let me know .

Dave M
Thanks. It did take some time and patience to do all the sewing- and the two boats were done 2 different years. They worst was the cockpit cover for the BB2-

Take care!

I'm happy with both dodgers, but each one has its own purpose. The Devlin Broadbill has a small cockpit, and is 1 man, and I wanted to minimize added height and dodger profile (hope to try it as a layout some day). Believe it is a little more traditional. Attaching to the deck allows for a gentle slope to reach the required height to get your head out from under the frame. With face mask and holding still it should make a hunter very hard to spot....

The dodger on the BB2 offers space for 2. Was more concerned with space than profile. It is really appreciated on rainy days. It is a little higher and boxy, but probably helps hide head turning better.

I'd guess you'd be happy with the functioning of either.

Good luck with your descission and post pics of the results!

Thanks for all the input. I think I may save that dodger thread Bill posted, and I agree that is very fine work.

Dave M, thanks for the invite. I would like to see the frame you constructed. If you like, I can bring my boat down to show you, it's on a trailer now. Haven't run it with the motor yet, but it floated quite nicely when I put it in the water. By the way, have you gotten out yet for stripers? With this boat project, I've not gotten out to fish even once so far.
Steve ,

Anytime you want to swing by with your boat is fine , i can show you what i did for a frame work , striper fishing has been great , we landed 6 stripahs to 40 inchs last night , unfortunaly we never remember the camera just to excited to get out there and catch i guess . Just let me know when you want to meet up .


Great to hear there are still stripers around. I'm thinking maybe next week would be a good time to come by if that works for you. Right now, I'm hoping to get some more paint on the boat. I'm also hoping to use this boat for striper fishing. Don't think I've ever caught one 40 inches. That's quite a fish.
Steve let me know when you want to swing by , i am real close to your Green river spot . Ya the stripers are evrywhere this year , we are coming into that time of the year where they head down deep , a buddy called me the other night and told me he caught 30 fish all over 30 inches , my brother spear fishes and he shot a 40 lb!!! So the fish are around here still .

Dave M
A true 50 came out of this end this week so I would agree that the best is yet to come on the Bass Fishing.
KARA pictures?

How is Andrew?
Bob , did you catch it ???!!! if so nice job , there is some good fish around here this year , i promise to get Kara pics on real soon , getting back in it to finish it for the early season , I am not sure how Andrew is , he is real busy lately i think he is summering up in Vermont with the family or something so we do not usually talk all that much this time of year . We need to get togehter and kill some ducks this year for sure

Dave M