Hope you guys on the east coast are weathering the storm OK

I'm in central MA. 28 - 30 inches and still falling, but at least its dry powder with temps at 18, -1 w/wind.
Keep the guys on the coast in mind, highest tides expected 09-1200 with seas at 32' off of Boston.

Best - Paul
We have 30-32" in ct its still coming down pretty good too. Its the last day of goose but i think im going to be shoveling all day.

Hopefully it gets cleaned up im going to look at a scull boat on monday
I have no idea how much snow we've gotten. Portland just declared a new record snowfall of 29", and still climbing. I think less than that here. The big story is the cold and wind. It's still only 12 degrees--maybe the coldest I can ever remember for a storm this big. That means the snow is dry and fluffy. What with the wind, there is almost no snow up in the trees, even the spruce. The local airport weather station is reporting steady winds of 35, and some gusts over 50. Suspect it's much worse down on the coast.

Huge drifts on the ground. My wife parked in front of the barn to be out of the way of our snowplow guy. Wind is blowing straight over the barn and dropping snow on her car, which is burried to above the hood. My truck is off the side a bit and pretty much snow-free, although I suspect I will find the bed completely filled when I go out there.

Snow was winding down, but in the last 15 minutes or so it picked back up hard.

There is more than 30 inches in my driveway and more that 2 feet on my truck. Wind is still blowing it around. Drifts are pretty impressive. No snowplows on my road since early afternoon... yesterday.

Stay home and stay safe!

Yea, I am thankful that I have grass without snow cover, to do my post season
chores, of getting decoys from truck and boats, and getting them back in their
off season storage shed. We have had less than a inch this winter.
Hope it warms up for you guys up there.
OK guys be safe out there, we are having a mild winter here, been 40 during the day and not a cloud in the sky.

Just got done plowing ourselves out. I don't know what we got, maybe 18", maybe 20". We have a tractor mounted snow thrower and made Gus a nice big pile (10'X20'x6') to build a snow fort/cave in.
we are ok but she is a wild Nellie of a Nor`easter for us....screaming winds ,close to 100mph in places ,here i geuss around 40 to 50 mph,white out until an hour ago,as for depth of snow its hard to say as we get more snow then the surrounding areas,,but with the wind i have no idea at least a foot maybe 2 but we have some serious drifting anywhere from 2 foot to 6 foot ...roads are covered ,but passable with 4x4 drifts are across the roads in places,,,i figure the ontario low just passed us now its time for the boston low to nail us into sunday.....

talk to ya later
I just came in to take a break from shoveling. Hard to say what we have with all the drifts. I would say about 20" or so.

Our plow truck was swallowed up by Sandy, so this time around all the snow had to be removed by hand. Still waiting for the town trucks to come around. Main streets are clear buy side streets are still a mess.

You still have to keep priorities in order. Cleared enough snow off the driveway to get the truck out then cars then boats. Looks like I can get out now for a morning goose hunt tomorrow.

We have been knocking down a bunch. Not the best year but not to bad either. I think with the mild winter and lack of snow, until last night, they have not moved south as usual. Our goose season ends March 9th so there is still time to get a few more.
fred, we only got about 12" in the fingerlakes, not enough
to stop me and mark from driving four hours to cabellas this morning.
I think we had around 15"-18" in West Islip.. Not to bad. Was expecting more.. Shoveled in my waders.. Got one last day in them.. Haha
Lookikng at the reports and pictures online, we did pretty well at 18-20". Not 20 miles away there was 38" officially recorded and a lot of the state has 30" - at work there is 30" too. Many residential streets have not been plowed even now.

Glad to hear you guys weather the storm pretty good, I hate to say it but we need some more snow in our mountains or irrigation water will be in short supply this summer
