How do I get my decoy back?

Bill Savoie

Active member

I have a particularly vexing problem. Last year I bought a very nice cork drake bufflehead decoy at a DU dinner. My wife thought it was pretty and put it on the shelf with the ornamental decoys. I tried to take it down and add it to the string (where it was originally intended to be). Anyone have a good idea how to get it back?

Buy more decoys...then everyone is happy. As much as I don't believe in letting decoys sit on the shelf, I'd make an exception in this case.
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Your just going to have to lay down the law and let your wife know who is in charge.
When that doesn't work, maybe you can track down the carver and have another one made.
Good luck
Rotate another decoy into that spot.... I have several decoys that ride the mantle in the off-season, and go back in the bag to be hunted. A working decoy looks better on the mantle after it has some "experience" anyway!

I'm sure Jim Higgins from Eliot will take right care of you. Remember the birds he donated to DU that Kevin pretty
much bought every year? Sneakbox decoys online.

Do I get the impression you sprung for a TDB......
Go to Biddeford and buy one of Steve Brettell's Buffies. Give it to her as an early Christmas Present,
take the cork one out hunting.
She wont complain, trust me.
This is the best excuse for taking up decoy carving that I have ever heard. Buy your self a band saw.