How do you post an image?

Andrew Holley

Well-known member
I need some help in designing a ladder for my boat and am trying to post some images (from paint or word), but I can't paste.

There is a good tutorial in the Help Forum which you will find at the bottom of the forum listings. My major issue seems to be image size. I either reduce a digital camera image or simply take the picture with my android phone which take a reduced image photo. Good Luck
I still can't get it to work, I did got something rough done as you can see in my other thread. But when I try the way it shows in the help section, this is what I get:

Which I did by upload the picture to photobucket, then coping them here, but they always get pushed to the right.
That looks right for images that you upload to photobucket. You just paste the address into the image location box.

If you want to upload them directly to, the file size has to be less than 100 KB and you use the attachment option below the text box. Click the browse button, choose the file, select 'inline' and click 'upload attachment'. This copies the file over to the server. It should be listed below your text box. Make sure your cursor is on a new line. Then, use the little "Image" button at the top of the text box (second button from the right) and when the insert box pops up, there will be an option to insert an "inline" image. When you click on that, it will show the image(s) that you have uploaded and you select the one you want. Finally, click submit and it appears (at least mine did).

View attachment mebenebbyinboatsmall.jpg