How do your earn your living?

Environmental engineer. Get the opportunity to clean up other people's messes, be outside or at my desk most times when I want. Mostly involved in cleaning up underground fuel tank leaks, hazardous waste releases, and keeping my clients in compliance with all the regulatory requirements. At the end of the day, I have the pleasure of knowing that I actually did something for the environment!
Spent 20 years as an automobile mechanic, dealerships and fleets before taking the plunge six years
ago to go to work at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.
Best thing I ever did. I am now a Supervisor for the Production Machine Department. My
previous work experience was a huge help and now my toolbox is at home.
There is hope Scott!!
If a dummy like me can get there you can too:)
I work as a PA (Physician Assistant) in the ER in Brookings,SD. We staff our ER primarily with PAs 24-7 with a rotating roster of on-call physicians if we have questions or need to admit somebody to the hospital. This staffing model is pretty common in a lot of rural and semi-rural hospital ERs.
Previously, I worked as paramedic in Georgia for 10 years before I decided to go back to school for an MS in biology. After that I took a job with the Georgia DNR as a wildlife biologist for a few years before I changed course and went to the PA program at the Medical College of Georgia. After graduation we moved to SD where I worked for three years in a medically underserved area as a family practice PA in several rural health clinics.
In 1997 we moved to Brookings when they offered me this job.
I am also an officer in the ND Air National Guard ("The Happy Hooligans") where I serve as a PA in the 119th Medical Group.
This is a very interesting is cool to read about how everyone makes a living.
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For the last 14 years I have worked as a public school shop teacher. I teach drafting, woods, metals, small engines, transportation, construction architecture, black and white photo. I have work at the high school and the junior high levels, for the last 7 years I have been at the junior high. I have always had a second job my current is a maintenance man at a funeral home. I have been there for the last 10 years. The job entails a little of everything from unclogging toilets to driving a hurst -I prefer to unclog toilets. Funny thing the funeral home treats me well. I actually feel like they appreciate me showing up- can’t really say that about school.
I got my first job at 14 washing dishes and have had one or 2 ever since probably the best was being a bike messenger in Washington DC in the 1980’s. The worst was working in a printing ink factory man did that job suck
Great's always interesting to see the cross section of the population that frequents the site.

I work at the University of Wisconsin - Madison configuring their student software system for the daily processing of tuition assessment and enrollment. Also do a bit of application development, software programming, database work, tech support, and "committee sitting".

It's been a strange road to here though. I've worked as a bartender, farm hand on a dairy/crop farm, cutting up hogs in a large scale hog processing plant (Farmland), and various other stints. Been in the IT arena for close to 10 years now with the last five at the UW. Can't see myself leaving this position for a while.

Take care.
Mechanical Systems Designer. I can't tell you any more than that or I'd have to kill ya.

Started my career designing control grips for aircraft, helicopters and planes. Last control system was for a little known aircraft called the V22 Osprey which has finally entered service! :) Then onto designing actuators, relays and solenoids, many of which are still in the McMaster catalog under the "Dormeyer" name. Company was sold so now I design air tools, nailers, staplers, hog ring tools, automated machines mainly used in the furniture and bedding industry.
We manufacture/distribute the jet drives for boats from 18' to 200' as well as provide steering systems for mega yachts and large ships/tugs. I actually dont do anything with the jets, but the steering system is my department. I love the job! Previous to this I managed a boat dealership selling fishing boats, ski boats and all the major outboards.
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Steve-Clever reply!

Chuck J-what bawls! You did read the bold print under his pic?

Keep them coming every one
Very cool thread. I am really enjoying seeing what everybody does around here.

I sell surgical equipment to all hospitals in the Oregon, Washington and Alaska. Most minimally invasive equipment for abdominal surgery. The best part of my job is the cool tools I get to remove fish hooks.
Great to read all the posts and the twists and turns that have been occurred in many's careers.

I went to school to be a chemist. Did environmental chemistry for a few months after graduation; didn't like it. Landed a sales job for a pharma company and have been in the industry since. Did sales/sales management for >16 yrs. Then the company wanted me to come in house to market some of their products. Been in Marketing for the past 8 years.

The company I work for is a biggun', a huge conglomerate. Aside from healthcare, they are into jet engines, train locomotion, financial services, alternative energy, light bulbs, water purification, etc., etc., etc.

It's been a very gratifying career, realizing the products we offer in healthcare have made a very positive difference in many peoples lives.

Hope to celebrate 25 years with the company soon. The rate the economy is going, I have begun to wonder, will I make it? Seems people "long in the tooth" with companies these days are the first to go when the going is rough. Will keep my fingers, toes, and eyes crossed that I avoid that casualty. Especially since I will have to work another 25 years before I can retire, the way my 401K is going!!!
I work with my parents at our business that my grandfather started in the 60's. We do awards, engraving and anything along those lines as well as bowling. Back then bowling was a big sport and very profitable. Every year we see it decline more and more. I also do decoy assembly for a lady who paints. I make and sell decoys weights. During the nicer months of the year I do landscaping and lawn care. Then the rest comes from the stock market. Hours upon hours I spend studying and researching. I like to keep busy. The busier I am the more money I can make.
I am a Park Ranger for the Michigan DNR. I've worked all over the state. Four years in Oceana County (Silver Lake SP), four years in Menominee County (JW Wells SP), seven winters in Ontanogon (the ski hill at the Porkies), and a few other Parks. I am currently at a park just north of Lansing, MI living south of Lansing. These days I do some law enforcement, fix up the equipment and buildings, but mostly keep track of the staff. I like the variety in the work, the flexibility of the work day, and the different people I meet.