How do your earn your living?

Wow....what a kick. That's what I wanted to be while in college (1st degree).......Marine Biologist. In '69 I applied to the University of Miami for Masters in that and a research assistantship. Well, there were 2000 applicants and 35 positions to be filled. I didn't make the cut. I applaud you for making it. You've gotta has a bunch on the ball to be doing what you do. Very cool.

All the jobs I'm ready about with this group shows a great group with phenomenal diversion. Too cool.
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Myself i am a mechanic. I worked in a vw dealership for 4 years left when the jetta5 came out after they had sent me too school i got the job offer as they were training me on 1 of, at that time 5 cars in the US. Now i work on school buses for one of the largest district owned fleets in washington state we are over 215 buses strong 60+ adminastration viehicles And 11 mechanics in a 24 hour shop working here is alot like i pictured being a mechanic too be fixing, rebuilding adjusting ext ext . not just replacing parts and reading scan tools although i do use a scan tool daily it is way easier and funner on the diesel equipment.
My next career goal is too work away from turning a wrench right now i am swing shift lead and have a crew of three. this summer i start a 1 week a year, 4 year long course in "pupil transportation management" (dime word for transportation director) my goal is too have my tool box at home by the time im forty ill turn thiry this month and have ten years too get it together.
Fun hearing what others on here do
I am a Registered Nurse........I'm surrounded by ESTROGEN at all times, but at least my job is secure and there's not too much competition for time off when the important dates roll around (Duck Opener, Deer Opener, ect.).
I've been working as a Wildlife Conservation Officer with the PA Game Commission for the past 15 years. I've spent the last 12 years in NW PA. I've been handling a work dog, Sarge, for the past 8 years. Sarge is trained to locate illegally taken wildlife, find evidence and track people.

I am also retired from the Army National Guard. 21 years as an attack helicopter pilot flying the Cobera and then the Apache. Great times. I really miss the flying. I've been retired for about a year and a half.
Goos posts so far. Keep them coming. I find it interesting to see what everyone does in real life.
Pete, Nice pic! Thanks for serving our country, and keep your head down. I assume you're with the teams?
I work as a medical technologist for a private lab. Last ten years have worked in microbiology identifying pathogens and testing what drugs they are suscetible to or not, the not being the predominate trend now a days.
After high school and a 3 year stint in the Marines I attended college full time for an Automotive Design Engineering degree and worked full time doing the same type of work for a engineering company as a detailer. After the market for designers hit bottom in '70 my future as far as employment went wasn't looking to good so my FIL suggested I drive one of his semis. I had absolutely no desire to be a truck driver but then my wifes cousin showed me his W2 for the year of 1969....$35,000.00 for turning a steering wheel. That sold me on doing as my FIL suggested. I spent the next 37 years driving semi trucks for Chrysler, retiring a year ago this past July. It wasn't what I wanted to do with my life but it was a very good living for my family and I with the ability to retire at the age of 60 with a nice package and all the benifits a very nice bonus.
Are the Layasan (Sp) Teal? Before I was a teacher I was a zookeeper/avian specialist in brooding and rearing

Im a millwright now for the last 8 years, i use to be a heavy equipment operator but i got tired of working 70-80 hrs a week from May till December with no time for hunting, and then off the winter with nothing to do getting my "POGGY" check or working for the queen as some others will call it. Now i work 45 hrs a week and i make 3 times the money that i made working as an equipment operator. now I get to go duck hunting and deer hunting all fall.
You are right, they are Laysan ducks. That photograph has about 10-20% of the wild world population of the species. The second photo has a male and a female. Can you tell which is the female?
I can't remember off the top of my head if they are dimorphic, but does the drake have the darker border on the bill and the slight irridescents? The hens that I remember also had a wide dispersal of white on their heads, could have been age related though
Jim S, I was on a sewer plant remodel several years ago. I was helping the plumber back fill a ditch when a lightning bolt hit the top of the digester. I saw a flash out the corner of my eye, and instinctively dropped into the ditch. Feeling silly I looked back at the plumber, and he was laying flat in the ditch. He said he saw a ball of flame at the top of the digester, and thought it was going to blow up. It's a good thing it didn't, my head and shoulders were above the ditch, and I probably wouldn't be here today.
Even though it was hard, dirty work, outdoors most the time, heavy construction was interesting. There are some days I kinda wish I was still building it, instead of just looking at it.
Greenhouse grower in charge of 13 acres of wholesale production. Spring annuals, holiday plants, and plugs (starter plants).




Chuck are your hot houses the big ones over by Caledonia?

The spread over that way and around grandville look to be hoppin 24/7
I studied marine biology,worked as oceanographic tech. for the dept of defence,chemical eng tech,fiberglass boat manf.,part owner in resterent,decoy carver,retirered 14 years now working for cabela,s in there gun library.
USAF for 12 years.

Did this for a while:

My copilot took this picture out of our C-130. Nice little garden spot in Somalia.

Then I did this for a while:

I took a few pictures myself.

I left the Air Force 7 1/2 years ago and truely couldn't stand the idea of getting a real job
and actually working for a living, so I chose to do this instead:

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Chuck are your hot houses the big ones over by Caledonia?

The spread over that way and around grandville look to be hoppin 24/7


We're in Byron twp. I put in about 70-80 hours a week in the peak of spring. October is our slowest month, so it is a good time to use up vacation time and hunt some ducks. If you are seeing places lit up all night, it may be grow lights, or less intense lights to encourage flowering (fooling the plants into thinking the long days of summer are here)
