How dry is it?

We may need to call up Steve Sutton and Bill Wasson. Break out the old oak stump and buck skins and do a proper Druid rainmaker dance.


After my note we did get a little bit of rain and the humidity is up and the temperature is down. A stump dance couldn't hurt.
Just looked at the overnight weather forecast and wondering who I can blame for this... We need the rain... but snow I can live without.
12 May 2016
00:00 6 Rain E 10
01:00 5 Rain E10
02:00 3 Rain E 10
03:00 2 Snow E 10
04:00 2 Snow E 10
05:00 1 Snow E 10
06:00 1 Snow N 10
07:00 1 Snow N 10
08:00 2 Snow N 10
09:00 2 Snow N 10
10:00 2 Snow N 10
11:00 3 Snow mixed with rain N 10
12:00 3 Overcast N 10
My cousin works for Caterpillar, not really sure what he does except it has to do with equipment for the oil industry. Anyways, he moved his family from Minnesota up to Ft. McMurray in mid-April because it would allow him to be home with the family every night (he was traveling a lot for work before this). Lo and behold just a few weeks after moving there they had to evacuate. I don't believe he's even been able to return to their rented home yet. They wound up making the decision to move the family back to Minnesota for the remainder of the school year last week until this all get sorted out.

As far as ducks go, I think we'll have to see. We've been at a relatively high population for most species the last several years. If the drought is just a one-year deal we might be okay. If it persists, then we could be in trouble.
My cousin works for Caterpillar, not really sure what he does except it has to do with equipment for the oil industry. Anyways, he moved his family from Minnesota up to Ft. McMurray in mid-April because it would allow him to be home with the family every night (he was traveling a lot for work before this). Lo and behold just a few weeks after moving there they had to evacuate. I don't believe he's even been able to return to their rented home yet. They wound up making the decision to move the family back to Minnesota for the remainder of the school year last week until this all get sorted out.

As far as ducks go, I think we'll have to see. We've been at a relatively high population for most species the last several years. If the drought is just a one-year deal we might be okay. If it persists, then we could be in trouble.

Sorry to here about that. I know a significant number of our employees have indicated they will not be going back and for those who will, it will be at least a couple more weeks before they can get into Ft. McMurray. Gas and water lines need to be capped where houses once stood and they need to get the water quality sorted out. There are still hot spots and ground fires burning in the area although the main fire has moved well away from town. The fire is still classed as out of control and is listed as around 600,000 acres.
I have been watching the CBC coverage via the National-devastating.

Here is the U.S. Drought Monitor:

The Canada Drought Monitor lists essentially all the prairie provinces' as abnormally dry (yellow).