How was your opener?


Yes, I did receive a little package. THANK YOU.

At first I didn't know what it was, without my glasses it looked like moldy jerky or something. Then I put my glasses on and saw that it was dried strawberries. And they were delicious. Good thing I keep a roll of TP in my boat. Dried fruit in the morning with coffee and the excitement of ducks flying has an explosive effect!

my opener

I hunted 2 days thursday I took off work got skunked in the morning went back in the after noon in my kayak and saw a good amount of woodies in the flooded timber I shot a drake and he dove never to bee found.

I wnet back to the same spot on sat morning and I beleave I got the duck I shot on thursday he came swiming by had a broken wing so I finished the job and got my woodie drake. with out a dog or with one a crippled woodie in the timber can be a hard thing to find.

saturday I am having grilled woodie I cant wait probably my favorit game woodie breast I like black duck, venison, geese but the taste of grilled wood duck is like no other.
What's your recipe for wood duck anyway. I've got one in the freezer and expect to have a few more before things freeze up. Last year I just roasted all my ducks and put lots of chicken stock in the water for flavouring and a small peice of bacon pinned to the top of the breast. Turned out pretty good.

Bill G.
my opener finally arrived today. me and my buddy jordan got out to the blind and had decoys set up bout 20mins before shooting time. first bird in ima. drake gw teal, we then doubled on hen ringnecks. we had 9 birds come within shotgun range and we had nine in our boat. 2 gw teal immature drakes, 3 ringneck hens, 2 hen mallards and a pair of widgeon. we crippled one mallard immature drake that dove on me and never came up.

i shot very well this morning to my surprise, besides the drake that got away and one hen every bird was stone dead before it hit the water. the hen cost me 10 shells, first shot took her out of the air and then i chased her for about 250 yards in the lake while firing 7 more times. she was doing the swim with the head below the water thing.

were did alot better then most from what i heard from guys coming of the lake this morning. shooting after about and hour was almost dead, to many guys got in there to early and flushed just about every duck out before shooting time, cause there were masses of ducks last night when i went to finish the blind.

great morning though

We got out on the lake this morning too, all teal (both BWT and GWT) and woodies for us. The big ducks were too smart to bother decoying.

TONS of birds, most I've seen in years. Not as many hunters as the usual opener there though.

Even got good couple of miles of paddling back and forth in the kayak (I'll feel that tomorrow)!

Good times had by all.
