Howdy guys, glad to be back and update.

Dave Sharpe

New member
Guess it's a year or longer since I've been on the forum. But what a list of old familiar names. Brings back memories of goofing off at the office before retiring. Looks like the appearance of the forum has changed a bit but a lot of the old regulars are still here. Good to be back!

We built a home on Lake Istokpoga, Florida ("Lake of the Dead" home to 3,000 - 10,000 alligators, and some bass). For awhile we'll be wintering there and summering, falling in Montana. So with traveling back and forth it should provide chances to hunt in many new places. I'm sure I'll be picking your brains a lot, and hopefully even meeting some of you.

Great to see you all again.

welcome back dave, I see now why they call it the lake of the dead.... yikes gators taste good but i dont want them in my duckin spot lol.
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Looks like you have quite the arrangement; Florida in winter/spring and beautiful Montana in the other two seasons. Outstanding.

Hope you are enjoying your retirement!

Craig S
Welcom back Dave! Shouldn't your post have read; 3000-10,000 Gators and some really nervous bass?