Hunt in North Dakota?

As long as you have a half decent dog, no need for a boat, for the most part in ND. If you are hunting water, it's most likely a "pothole", as opposed to a "slough". If you want to haul a boat, make it a small canoe, Fatboy, Marsh Rat, or similar.

The next time I'm fortunate enough to go, I'm thinking the 3rd or 4th week of October, when the plumage is prime, the opening weekend guys are gone R & NR, and all public land is open to NR's....
Most area's don't need boats...

Locals also like to keep roosts or areas to themselves...

It is truely laughable ... I have next to never seen ANY other hunters... and the 1st week in October... plenty of birds, but not migrators... It really doesn't matter where you hunt... birds are everywhere...