Hurricane Idalia


Staff member
Well, things are gonna get interesting around here in about 8 or so hours.
But its gonna be really bad from around Tarpon Springs north to Crystal River.

Stay safe Carl. Latest projected landfall according to the state EOC is somewhere just north of Keaton Beach. That's only about 55 miles or so away from me. Lots of time for changes still and like was learned with Ian, doesn't take but a quick little change to totally catch people unaware.

I'm at work today, waiting to find out if we have tomorrow off or not. I will likely leave work early today. I have one more boat to move and I should be done with my at home stuff. My dad helped me this weekend to remove some limbs that were potentially problematic. Hopefully that helps. I'll likely stick around but stay at my dad's house. He has a concrete house (I have wood) and only one tree that is worrisome (I have at least a dozen that could pancake my house in various ways). I'll be keeping an eye on the storm and forecast though. I may just get out of dodge all together. Even slowing down just a little gives her extra time in that smoking hot Gulf for her to really intensify.

Generator is ready, gas cans filled up, both trucks gassed up, chainsaw ready, batteries ready....we shall see how it all goes.

Stay safe...
Sounds like you are well prepared!

Things are looking pretty bad for the Crystal River-Yankeetown area.
I hope everything turns out alright for y'all, It's bad when you get here multiple years in a row.

Keep us updated on how things go, and I hope everyone down there is safe.
Y'all buckle down and prayers for a wet softy vs. a big nasty!

I have a brother in law that just retired to FL from IL, he doesn't have a clue what a storm is like.
I've been through so many I've lost count. Every one is different!
Every one is different but I worry this will be something like when Michael hit. The devastation was atrocious and I am super glad I was in MT for it. Apparently since they started keeping track of hurricanes in the late 1800's, there has never been a major hurricane strike in the Big Bend. First time for everything.

She keeps going straight north. That is worrying me more and more.
Hang in there to Hootie in Stienhatchee!

SW FL hasn't got much of anything. Storm surge and direct path missing Tampa is obviously a good thing. Praying for the people along the coast where it hits.
Well, Tampa dodged the bullet once again. Peak winds around 50mph, about 3" of rain so far. Storm surge is around 5-6' in the bay and should top out at about 7' as predicted.
That said, Crystal River to steinhatchee to appalachicola are getting hammered. Storm was a 125mph cat 3 at landfall in Steinhatxhee. Storm surge at Cedar Key is well over 9'.
This is the first hurricane since Europeans came to Florida to directly hit this part of the Big Bend. And it's going to be bad.
Nine feet is a lot of water for Cedar Key and surrounding area. When at UF I hunted the Cedar Key Scrub a number of times. We would also fish too. Most of my friends live inland, Archer/Gainesville.

I wonder how many of those who tried to 'ride it out' would do it again?
Well, I thankfully dodged a bullet. I think she made landfall about 50 miles from my dads house. We had some wicked gusts but nothing heavy sustained. Have had no power since 5 am. One tree down on one of his fences, many smaller limbs down. House was fine. Belle was majorly upset. My dads cat was like "eh whats a little wind?"

Just got back from visiting my house. No power there. House is fine. I got to use my transfer switch for the first time and was able to plug my generator directly into the house. So nice not having to run cords everywhere. Many multiple large limbs down in the front yard. Maple tree next to the house lost a large limb and had its head twisted off. That is the best way I can describe it. The top third of the tree is still hanging and twisted all around itself. A 6' diameter oak tree fell over, luckily just landing in the back of my and my neighbors yard. I definitely got lucky with some of the limbs around the house. Camper survived intact as well. It is pretty gusty this afternoon but as long as I don't lose more limbs, my house survived much better than I expected.
Tom Wall said:
Nine feet is a lot of water for Cedar Key and surrounding area.

I've only been to Florida a handful of times--most recently a Keys vacation last spring. But is there much land in the entire state that is more than 9' above sea level? I have this image of vast areas being inundated by something like this. Glad to hear that Dani made it through OK.
The vast majority of the state outside the immediate coast is above 9'. There are locations within Tampa over 55'. And over 150' just across the bay in Clearwater.