I am very ill

Todd Duncan Tennyson

Well-known member
Last night,
The president of our country (2009 Nobel prize winner.)
Had a fancy steak dinner

with the individual that has the Nobel Prize winner of 2010 locked up in a prison.

am I the only one that finds this absurd?

Doesn't this make anyone else ill?
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You aren't the only one, and there was another Nobel Peace Prize winner in attendance, Jimmy Carter. I think we need to start a Freedom Prize Award. Heck it is as peaceful as can be in Pyongyang, peace doesn't mean anything.

It chaps me how much of a blind eye we turn to how China treats it's people. This started in the 90s and Bush didn't do a whole lot to stop it so I'm not only blaming one side or another. We should have never went to that freak show of an olympics over there. They rationed food and dried out farmers to have enough food and water for the games. How disgusting is that? They put on a show and we went along with it.

I know I still buy some things that say 'Made in China' but I'm trying not to as much. I like it a lot more when I see Taiwan or Korea on a package, makes me feel like I'm fighting with fire.

btw Did you see it was a 2400 calorie meal they served? And today they announced an agreement with Wal-Mart to lower calories in what they sell to the peons. Nothing like a hypocrite in a strapless dress.

That better be about as much as I say about politics on this forum. :)

Haven't you ever had a fancy steak, Todd? By the way, I happen to think that our President is a great man.
Just as absurd as the fact we trade dont trade with Cuba, but we do with China.
China treats there people a hell of lot worse than Cuba.

But no worry, in about 10 years, China's economy will climb to the point where it can no longer produce goods as cheap and Africa will take over.
While it took 70 years for us for us to go from manufacturing super-power of the world to net importer, given todays globalization it will only take 20 years to happen to China. Then we'll see some real fireworks, lets just hope they dont take us all down in the process.
My take on "Great Men"....the way I see it, if you have taken the oath as the President of The United States you're probably going to get in to the "Great Men" club without much of an argument from anybody. BUT, that doesn't mean you're a great president.

Okay, I wasn't going to touch this one but I couldn't resist.
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My Grandfather graduated from Indiana University and moved to Schenectady, NY and worked in the accounting department for GE. He would've been there about the same time as Jack Welch. Eventually he ended up in Detroit where he met my Grandmother and raised the family. Growing up everything was GE in the Anglin homes, including mine. We had GE TV's, light fixtures, tape recorders, VCR's, jam boxes, humidifiers, de-humidifiers, ac's, light bulbs, Christmas tree lights, etc etc etc. It was the rule. It was like the time I bought a 6 pack of Michelob to my father in laws house in Golden, CO and he dumped it in the weeds while he called me everything you can imagine....yes he worked there, if we had something from a GE competitor it got shitcanned.

When Jeffrey Immelt took over at GE we watched him run NBC into the ground with their decidedly left leaning politics raging in the newsroom. Keith Olberman ring a bell? Yet, he continued to defy the "intel" and rub his left-wing, liberal, secular progressive concepts into his company and their the companies held by GE. Look where it got them.... But alas, look where it got Jeffrey, a great gig at the White House with his buddy Barry.

My Grandfather was not alive to witness this thankfully...it would have been one helluva garage sale as he sold off everything he owned.
By the way, I happen to think that our President is a great man.

Bwahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahah, (deep breath) hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe he should spend another 10 Trillion dollars of our granchildrens money, it's worked great so far!!!
I'll keep this short - Kevin is right on. Any one with grand kids and thinks this president is a great guys should have a really hard time looking them in the eye. Shame on us for letting them get away with this.
How about the recent push to eat healthy and then serve a dinner that is over 400 calories over the maximum daily recommendation of 2000 calories. I guess once a year its OK. Or when you are wearing a tux. I guess when that extra large pizza shows up tonight after my run to the beer store I better dress up to keep those calories from getting in my belly. Is that the purpose of a cumberbun? a calorie blocker?
I thought the purpose of a cumberbun was to give him a place to keep his pack of Newports for that "after dinner" smoke.
Great man? Obama? Same sentence....? The greatest day of his presidency will be the last one, worst president we have ever had. Just my .02 cents!
Like it or not we are in a world economy. To increase jobs at home we have to increase exports or revenues received for services delivered to customers abroad. Can't say I am in love with the democrat agenda, however, I am thankful that we have dodged a depression....so far. My 2 cents.
By the way, I happen to think that our President is a great man.

Bwahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahah, (deep breath) hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe he should spend another 10 Trillion dollars of our granchildrens money, it's worked great so far!!!

He's workin' on it Dawg...


I did not vote for our current President nor do I agree with him on a lot of issues.
But I also dont think he is as bad as some think, nor is he as great as others thought.
In the end, when his term(s) is/are over, we will have to ask if this country is better off than we were in 2008. Who knows what the anwer will be.

I do know the answer to that question in reference to his predecessor and that is we are much worse off economically now than we were when he entered office back in 2000. Was not all his fault, but he has to take some of the blame, just like Obama is taking the blame for the slow recovery.
Ironically I'm reading Decision Points right now. Given the chance I'd drink a club soda with W and an ale with Barack...I'm sure we'd get along great watching a ball game together.
I haven't found too many people I couldn't drink at least one beer with.