I am very ill

And hopefully we will have better choices to pick from, both Democratic and Republican!
Really? the more I dislike or disagree with someone... the less I want to drink with them... as I may forget my filter....
If I had a dollar for every good friend I have that sucks from the teet of the liberal cause I'd have enough to buy you and I a case of the finest craft brew in the land.
Guys, I will make a prediction for 2012....if the economy is in the toilet, the current president will be looking for work. If the economy has recovered he will get re-elected. I would bet money on it. Americans want change when they are worried about paying the bills, when times are good we figure "why rock the boat?" regardless of whether the guy in the White House leans left or right.
you just have to recall who was running the show when the anointed one arrived! Hint:
it was not conservatives!
isn't it something that the very man who has imprisoned the winner of the Nobel prize for 2010,
has been welcomed with open arms by the winner of the 2009 Nobel Prize winning president,

and treated to a steak dinner!

To make matters worse, He got free apple pie and Ice cream.

This is how we treat the leader of the country that forces abortion, and puts 6 yr old kids to work in sweat shops
so that we can buy products that are made like shit,
and pet food that kills our pets.
Respectfully Pat, The problem is that Obama THINKS he can fix everything... and he actually believes that people like his ideas and approach.

The bailout.. that is understood simply because nobody knows what would have happened if the bailout didn't happen... and the need for the bailout was really not party based.

The Stimulus plan... that is the problem.. You can not simply throw money at the economy and have it magically turn around... instead more money than ANYONE can really identify has been tossed about, with no real gain. The economy will and is recovering on its own. Not due to the kneejerk reaction.

I completely agree, and I voted for him, twice.
Between screwing up the wars in Afhganistan, taking into Iraq and then watching the economy go down the toilet, dont see how Obama can do much worse.
I actually liked Bill Clinton more than these two guys. (Cant believe I just said that.)
I couldnt hang out with Obama or Bill.They dont appreciate my rights. I could not drink a beer with either one. Poor choice for commander in chief.