I found them!

LI Mike

Active member
I have heard the stories from the ol' timers of how the ducks I see now don't hold a candle to the numbers of years ago, I've seen the pictures of the flocks of birds you hunters have in other parts of the county. I have seen decent numbers of bird myself not the awesome numbers of others but let me tell you now I have seen the mother load to compare the greater flocks you speak of. I was invited out yesterday to go on a fishing trip to look for the mackerel that are supposedly making their run now (which we did not find) but what we did see was quite impressive. We ran the beach about a mile out or so but to the south for 20 miles was a flock of white winged scoter that spanned the entire distance we traveled it looked like swarm of bees to the south and no matter where you looked there was a flock of 30 or better going to join the rest it was an innumerable amount. My fishing partner, and hunting partner, found ourselves just staring at this cloud of bird and not even looking for the mackerel anymore. It was like nothing we have ever seen in our lives! We didn't catch our fish but it was truly a memorable experience sorry no pictures to share but we don't allow cameras or bananas on early season fishing trips its a ju ju thing. thanks for reading.

Sounds like you were on the "X". THat's an awesome sight when you in the thick of it.
By the way the large schools of Mackerel are just outside Jones Inlet. You can't get your line to reach bottom before you have fish on. They are getting slammed right now.
the wind picked up out of the east so we didn't make it quite that far. We will try next weekend hopefully they move a little closer to moriches by then thanks for the report.

I was thinking about heading out next Sunday or Monday to fill up on Macks. I just have to check with my friend to see how much room he has left in his freezer so I know how many fish of we can take. Let me know if you want to come along.
It is heart warming to hear that you were able to see so many ducks at one time. Now let's hope that they in turn, will have a successful nesting season and produce a lot of ducklings this summer. Sure sounded like you had a great time, Mike.
I know what you mean. I've been lucky to find myself once in a duck tornado - like nothing I've ever seen before. Many hundreds of birds funneling into a spot where I happened to be cause the "good spots were taken. Here I was, reading the paper with no dekes out and no gun uncased let alone loaded. Quite the site.

I also get lucky to see the great migration of snows through South Dakota. I usually see some of the migraation but a couple of years ago we caught the majority of it at exactlyt he right time. My son and I were pheasant hunting and for as far as you could see the sky was covered almost solid with flocks of snow geese. I told my son this is something he should remember as not many people get to see something like this and in the years to come, he may not get another chace to do so again. We sat there for a long time just staring up into the sky amazed.

Mark W
Did it kind of look like this.

That's just one section of over 3/4 mile of Scoter and Edier taken last fall behind the IGA in town. I have a nothing camera as the pic shows.
That's my favorite picture...that was by far the biggest raft of birds I had ever seen. It was never ending..was just south of town in montauk
Captn. Jack if i said yes i would be lying we trolled for an hour or more and the bees nest didn't stop if i head out this weekend ( although obligations are messing me up) I will have to break the rules and bring a camera. damn good picture though I would be happy to see that any day!
It sure is nice to see a raft of birds like that. The OLD TIMERS used to tell me about the flocks "that blocked out the sun" . Good to know there is still a few around.
yea those are the same stories I've heard but never could imagine it to be possible not that what i seen blocked out the sun but its sure could cast a nice shade!
It sure is nice to see a raft of birds like that. The OLD TIMERS used to tell me about the flocks "that blocked out the sun" . Good to know there is still a few around.

I saw a flock that big once in Gardiners Bay ....the coot were between Hog Creek Pt and Gardiners Island.
It look like a black hole in the bay as far as I could see. An AWESOME sight I will never forget.

That must have been an awesome site.
About 5 years ago, we had bluebills show up like that on Mobile Bay, it was in February after the season went out. I glass a flock of them in one bay that was over a mile long, went out of site behind a point and kep going.

What do y'all do with the Atlantic Macs you catch? Are the bait for summer fishing or do you eat them?
That must have been an awesome site.
About 5 years ago, we had bluebills show up like that on Mobile Bay, it was in February after the season went out. I glass a flock of them in one bay that was over a mile long, went out of site behind a point and kep going.

What do y'all do with the Atlantic Macs you catch? Are the bait for summer fishing or do you eat them?

When the Bird Watcher did that count they came up with 380,000. Its a lot of birds but I don't think its quite that high. Carl I haven't caught a Mackerell in 20 years. They blow past Montauk in a day and show up in Cape Cod Bay. They are very good to eat if you cook them the day you catch them.
They make great sushi when fresh:
Scrape the scales off, fillet them & cut out the ribs and line of bone down the latteral line.
Heavily salt both sides of fish (heavily, as in coat them) with kosher salt and let sit for 2 hours.
Rinse salt off.
Then soak in a mixture of 1/3 cup vinager, 2/3 cup water & 1 tsp sugar for around 3 hours.
Place sushi rice into a square glass dish, take fillets from vinager mixture and put fillets on top of rice.
Put plastic wrap on top, put a similar size dish on top of plastic wrap, weight down second dish and press fish & sushi rice for 30 minutes.
Slice & eat with soy sauce & wasabi!