I like this idea (layouts)

Now that is a unique idea.....

At first glance, I like it....but there are a lot of what ifs..... you better have a well trained retriever that is not only steady, but still. Even if he is experienced and your long-lines are well thought out, you still better have that tender nearby and alert. If the dog gets into any trouble and you are in an anchored layout you can do nothing to fix it.

But again, I like the execution of the concept. Really well done.
There isn't much opportunity in new jersey to hunt divers where you can walk for long distances in the water. I could see in a place where you hunted divers in waist deep water it could be very effective for a one man operation. Motor out and drop the layout, set the decoys, get the dog in the layout, motor off a ways, anchor the boat, walk back to the layout, hunt with the dog, wall back to the boat at the end of the day. Or use it in conjuction with guys hunting the shore. Rotate the guys through the layout and hunting the shore blimd. With this boat you would never need to stick someone in the tender to retrieve downed birds. You would only need the tender to switch out hunters. And if you set your long lines with long enough drops you shouldn't ever need to worry about your dog getting caught up.
Dick- just out of curiosity, why do you believe this dangerous for a dog?

I'm with Dick, and I think Dave said sort of the same thing. If the dog gets into trouble there's nothing you can do to help him if the water is over your boots.
I generally have GREAT concern with longlineing with a dog. My last CBR would get his back leg caught in the dropper. Kodi, has not had that exibited that issue. He is much more of an aggressive retriever, and perhaps it is more of a type of longlines.

Where I would use this, I would be in waist deep water where the lines would be, so, I believe that I would be able to get him out a bad situation. I know of people that have a similar set up for use on Lake Michigan.... I would NEVER do that.
Also, what would be the advantage of a boat like this (besides the slightly smaller profile) be over a traditional side by side two man layout boat. Seems like the dog could just sit next to you in a normal 2 man boat
That rig would need a bilge pump and a taller front spray screen! I've hunted my momarsh fatboy with the dog behind me. It works fine, so long as there is some bank available for the dog to haul out and shake before getting back in the boat.

As mentioned previously, I guess it would be good for wader depth layout hunting where you do not need a tender. When you have a tender, why take a dog?
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I will say that while Kodi is a hunting tool, I have no desire to put him in undue risk. If he is at risk of not coming home, I probably am too, as I will not just let him drown!

Not sure why it would need a taller front screen as we set up with the wind at our back. A hand bildge would be required as, you are correct, the dog brings a fair bit of water in with each retreive.

I am not a fan of a two man for several reasons. A) I would much rather that a dog is sitting behind me, not beside me. This is for muzzle blast as well as swing. B) A two man is rather difficult to handle by yourself. A 1 man (or a 1 1/2 man) is manageable. If you hunt 2- 1 man layouts and a dog hide.. You can spread out a bit.

Again. If I do this, it will be in less than 4' of water.
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If you can get to the dog it's a cool idea. It looks like two different layouts tacked together, I don't think the hunter gets the dogs water. Or am I misinterpreting the picture?
If you can get to the dog it's a cool idea. It looks like two different layouts tacked together, I don't think the hunter gets the dogs water. Or am I misinterpreting the picture?

Those are two sepperate boats.... Essentially connected.. The hunter would not be laying in the water in the dog boat.... Yet no reason to have 25# of water back there! ;)
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Hello Phil. I ran a hunt test in North Carolina last year and met a young man who built layout boats for use with a dog. Search "Dead on arrival layout boats", his name is Dusten Nelson, and he has pictures of the dog getting in and out of the boat. As others have commented a broke dog would be a requirement. I think he is located around Harkers Island NC.

Chuck Anderson
Dick- just out of curiosity, why do you believe this dangerous for a dog?

I'm with Dick, and I think Dave said sort of the same thing. If the dog gets into trouble there's nothing you can do to help him if the water is over your boots.

Well if you can't stand clearly you have to have a tender somewhere. This would only serve as a way to keep your dog close if the water was too deep
This boat was built from the Busick layout plans. To many concerns. Adding that much extra weight to the back of a Busick layout surely will created unbalanced issues with the boats intended design once the dog portion gets full of water and the dog is also in it. Will it work in perfect situation of course it will. flat calm waters thats less than waste deep. The dog behind you? ever tried to turn around in a Busick layout boat? Is he going to jump over you right into the next shot from the gun?

This boat is the smallest layout boat out there and not one I would want to tack all the extra weight on the back of. Great Idea if you like taking serious risk.
I see this becoming a disaster if the wind kicks up and it gets rough. I doubt things stay together very well. These are made in Salt Lake and I have never seen a photo of it in anything but flat calm waters.

Sorry dogs and open water layouts don't mix. But if your going to take that chance, do it using a 2 man boat or a separate boat for the dog where you can position it and control the dog much better. Even the best dogs break commands.

Been building layouts for 15 years and I will never consider building a open water layout for a dog. way to much risk for little reward, Layout hunting is good when the conditions are bad. If your plan is to hunt calm waters go to the marsh where your dog can join you safely.
Neat idea but there's a ton of flaws here. Too much stuff going on for disaster that could happen in a blink of an eye. And that boat looks narrow as a canoe... Layout boats are best wide. Think of a flat peice of plywood on the water. Hard to get roll