I wish I was in this Shop Class

Tim Speight

Active member
Site member Brad Taylor recently left his position as an eighth grade math teacher to become the Shop Teacher at South Rowan High School. Their first class project will be to build a duck boat! How cool is that?

Due to school budgeting constraints Brad has set up a GoFundMe account to raise money to purchase the materials needed to build a Duckhunter style boat.

Check out this link to read a full description of the project https://gf.me/u/yt9k8s

What a great way to teach woodworking skills and promote a love of boats!
That's great. Many schools have stopped hands on shop classes and refer to them as tech classes. Think I will send that guy a few bucks. Thanks for sharing.


duckboats.net just made a donation. I really hope Brad can get this boat building project funded for his students.

Last year our brilliant school board decided all students would not be going to college because of different reasons. They are restarting wood shop, electrician, building and auto mechanic classes, brilliant. I'm glad we are investing in the future. The carpentry class is building sheds as projects, selling them with the money going back into new sheds. Seed materials was provided by local building supply.
I went to the Air Force after graduation, got a free education in electronics [no student loans]. I was offered many jobs with large corporations. I relate this to the wood shop and electronics received in high school. One school near me is building a new bus complex and will include diesel mechanic classes for high school students.
Wish I had a duck boat project when I went to school. Sat many hours in english drawing duck boats...
Rich G -
Interesting as 10 year ago the shop class rooms in Nassau County were dismantled and the rooms converted to computer rooms. It appears that high schools believe that everyone will go to college and no one will have to build homes or do electrical work or repair cars. Guessing the logic has been revealed as flawed finally.
Joe, all of the shops were cleaned out for violin and special classes. Now they are looking for space, they have lot's of students. I live in southampton and it's difficult to get tradesmen here. High real estate and high rentals are the problem. From 6am to 9am we have what is called the Trade Parade 6 days a week.
As covid is still a problem, people are renting motel rooms and sending their children to school here instead of nyc. Can't find a rental. Maybe we will train tradesmen finally...
1975-76: 8th Grade woodshop class at William C. Friday jr. high school changed my life for the better. The instructor was Mr. Bill Jenkins. I made a small 3-tiered shelf to hang on a wall.

I'd hate to think of my life without having taken that class! [huh]