If this guy gets into office part II

Thanks for posting that. If you are concerned about the possibility of B. Hussan Obama being elected you need to forward thia video to everyone you know. I'm thinking of buying some used guns form individuals so that I can hide them when Obama outlaws guns!
McCain is not my ideal commander in chief . But he is way way way better than Obama or Hillary . I am really shocked at the extreme ideas those two have come up with in order to better our nation . Hillary and her health reform is borderline communisum . While Obama wants to disarm us and climb in bed with the terroristic leaders of other nations . I am just miffed how anybody in this country would even consider the Democratic ticket . Our colonial founding fathers would roll over in thier graves if they were around today .
So, if Obama, the "African-American", wins the Dem nomination and chooses Bill Richards, the "Latin-American", who will represent regular Americans? Oh McCain will, never mind.....