If you ever come to my house...I strongly recommend....

Steve Sutton

Well-known member
That you not come dressed in a Ghillie suit.....the pictures that follow were Mike's reaction to discovering a "live bush", in the form of Foster Barthelow, in his territory....I thought these were interesting based on the thread the other day about pets being protectors....as you can see in the pictures Mike is definately not happy with this "intruder" in "his house"...

Foster was one of the people on the MLB Manitoba hunt that I attended this past October. He doesn't post here but he was the "HOT TUB BUDDY" of one Ryan Gruber who does post here, (you didn't think I'd never mention that on the site did you Ryan?), and did a lot of videoing on the hunt...

By this point in the hunt, Mike and Foster were "well acquainted" but Mike had not seen Foster in his ghillie suit. When he finally did he was upwind of Foster and couldn't smell him so when he saw the "Abdonimal Grass Man" fixing to enter his "house" his reaction was immediate, and far more aggressive than any reaction I'd ever seen from him. I really believe that had Foster run from him that Mike would have "chased" and might have even bitten him....

Here's the photo sequence....what's missing is Mike's "ROAR" which was continuous through the event....

Here's Foster all dressed up as the ABDOMINAL BUSH MAN just minding his own business.....


Mike's upwind and can't smell Foster and when he dropped his hood Mike reacted....Notice that Foster hasn't reacted yet.....

Comin to get ya.jpg

Mike's all bowed up and moving in and Foster's starting to look a "little" concerned.....

Are you scared yet.jpg

I wouldn't call this a full out charge but you can see that Foster is looking concerned and has swung his camera to the left so that he can "feed it" to Mike if he keeps coming.....

OH! Its you.jpg

Just after this shot Mike smelled Foster and realized that he was no threat, relaxed, and in ture Lab fashion walked up to Foster, and asked him if he had anything to eat....when Foster didn't respond Mike pee'ed on his foot and walked off to find something to eat, or pee on, or roll in.........

So, be advised, if you come to visit, don't come dressed in grass......

Side bar to the above: I'm told, but did not attempt to verify, that Ryan made Foster "shower, AND USE SOAP", before joining him in the hot tub that evening.......like I said I didn't verify it....

I don't know what your talking about with all this "HOTTUB BUDDY", you're the one that kept telling us "I've got candy for ya, just get in the hottub".
I personally wouldn't set foot in one of those disgusting things, YUCK!!

Were you guys really skinny-dipping like Foster said??

I'll bet we're not the only ones you've tried to talk into the hottub, are we Steve????
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Good response Mr. Isn't my skin soft and supple.......

Now you know good and well that if I had been trying to lure someone into the hottub it would have been that trio of Indian Maidens on the last evening.....not that they were good looking or anything but their combined wt.s would have been sufficient to displace all of the ater out of the tub so that I wouldn't have had to sit in that heavily polluted water that you two "man stew" hot tubbers enjoyed nightly...........

Where are you in relation to Prairie Du Chein?

Priaire Du Chien......bout five hours straight west, I-94 then a short jaunt south.

What's up??

On a side note...I made it all up ( Steve and the hottub), it was me...I LOVE those things. Sitting back drinking a rum and coke, cold air blowing off the lake, thinking about the days hunt,...........trying not to think about all the things Floating in the hottub that Steve had so graciously reminded me of.

My skin never felt as soft as it did after that trip.
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OMG!! I think I know the guy on the right! hmmmm now I know something else about him I didn't know before
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Lee!!!!!!!! Geez I'll probably never be able to think of that game without thinking of your comment. Thanks a lot! ugh