If you were to only own one shotgun

Actually, after making that post, I went to Kittery Trading Post to look at what was available in used 16's. No Ithaca pump guns, but they had a polychoked Model 12 and a rusty Wingmaster.

Not to mention a Winchester Model 21 for $5600, and a restored Holland and Holland marked down from $7800 to a mere $7,000.

There is a Fox Sterlingworth at about $1400 that might interest some folks.

Just a note for my Maine friends--I went the KTP WEBSITE, not the actual store, in that short period. [:)]
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The first "Shootgun" I bought with my hard earned $$$, as a youngster was a Model 37, 16ga. with the famous Ray Bar sight.

I would not own one again, if given one for free!

Between kicking like a mule and the malfunctions, aka live shells ejecting, instead of going into the chamber... IMO they are the last 16ga. you should consider.

A good friend and devout 20ga., man, just purchased a very good pre owned Remington 1100 16ga. with screw in chokes. He cannot put the gun down he loves it so much. Having owned 1100''s I demonstrated how easy they are to take down and clean.

Model 12's in 16ga. are more common then in the past. Check Cabelas and small shop used guns, etc. Remington also offers the 870 in 16ga. and the Browning Sweet 16 is back. 16ga. OU and SXS are being made by many gun makers from $1,900 on up. Also I have been told Browning will offer the Citori in 16ga. this year and are taking orders. I missed out on the last run when they were going for $1,800, no doubt the new price is more.

Lack of good ammo is what sunk the 16ga. when we were force fed the 3" 20ga. to replace the 16ga. by gun makers. The ploy worked for those that have never shot a good 16ga. For others the BS did not work, and hand loading became normal. Also manufactures did not produce much steel shot for the 16ga. to help try to bury it.

They tried and it did not work. The 16 is back, and does one helluva fine J-O-B.

Hopefully you will find one that you will not be able to put down.

Do I have a 20ga.? Yup, a 1100, 2 3/4", fixed choke, Special Field, straight stock, that I wish to Gawd was a 16. The gun comes up in a flash.

Best regards
Vince it is hard to believe a new 37 would have issues. I bought a 12 gauge 37 as a teenager myself and it was my go-to duck gun for years. Those were the days of shooting lead #4 out of a 30 inch full choked gun.
When they made steel shot mandatory for waterfowl I switched over to a 16 gauge Browning. They let you use lead in the 16 gauge guns for a couple years until shotshell manufacturers developed a steel load for the 16.
If my wife forced me down to only one; I would revert back to the same 870 that is still today in my possession that I bought when I was 9 years old through cutting lawns in the summer. It's dang near bullet proof. It's paddled the Ohio river when the motor went dead and only one other paddle in the boat my buddy used, the butt has broke ice on 100s of occassions, it laid in the bottom of my boat for many of seasons through-out the season except for a quick cleaning after each hunt, and it was my only gun which I hunted every game in Western Kentucky with success as a kid.

For over a decade I have only shot 20 gauge with a 10 gauge coming out only on special occasions. The past 5 years the article of choice has been A400 20 gauge shooting a Carlson IM extended choke for everything from skeet, furs and feathers; Hevi-Metal 3 in- 2s for geese, 4s and 6s for ducks. Never have had an issue within 40 yard window with those loads. I either cleanly miss or dead bird; steel alone has not been so effective. If I could afford Hevi-Shot yearly it would be 4s on geese, 7.5 on ducks and all other game. I buy a few boxes of 7.5 every year for ducks and literally spend a day just hunting with those. My theory is that if I can't make a limit of ducks ( when available to shoot at that many) within 10 rounds its time for me to spend my time/energy at the trap and skeet range to better my leads.

Your post reminded me of an old quote:
Beware the man with one gun; he may know how to use it!


I have no idea about the new 37's. I do believe made in Ohio now, and only in 12ga. but not sure, and very pricey. My experience is only with the 16ga. 37.

My 37 16ga. mod. was bought in the early 60's, and way before steel shot. Dove hunting, that gun would put a hurt on you after a few days of good shooting. Feather Light and a narrow stock, comes at a price... even with light loads.

It got lots of use for all types of upland game, turkey, and waterfowl (I do recall the escape clause for steel), except deer, thank goodness PA is a rifle state.

Then it began to eject full rounds of ammo straight down, instead of into the chamber. Even after being "repaired" at the factory same old problem.

I have talked with 16ga. 37 owners that had the same issue.

Some years later, I took it in to trade on a Skeet barrel, for my 1100 12ga. 3" magnum.

The gun shop owner said. "Where you buy this scrap?"

From you! Was my reply.

He held the gun up, gave a big toothy grin and said. "That is Good GUN!"

For certain I got the better end of the trade.

A friend of mine put a Kick EZ on my model 12, 16ga. years ago. It' s 100 times better pump gun than the 37 ever could be IMO.

About a year ago I saw a Remington 31 16ga. mod. in a local gun shop. Could kick myself now for passing it up.

With in the last 2 years I can now walk into a big box store and find 16ga. lead, and steel at other stores. Thank Goodness.

Prior to that I would order flats when they were available. I miss Winchester steel for the 16ga. 2's always did the job very well.
My first shotgun was an Ithaca 37 12 ga. with a solid rib that I got in 1960. Sure it kicked but I didn't know any different because it was my ONLY gun for the next 35 years. I also experienced the dreaded - ejection of loaded rounds, but soon figured out that it was ammo brand specific and I can't remember which brand was the culprit. I haven't shot that gun since I bought a SBE in 1995. My Ithaca had fixed full choke and was deadly on ducks with hand loads of #6 lead. It was also deadly with the early steel shot and patterned them real tight. I still have it someplace and have no desire to take it to the range anymore. Had it parkerized in the 80's, fixed a crack pistol grip, checkered the grip myself and lost the raybar pink/orange sight many years ago. Cool memories.