I'm In Awe Of This Group

This site has another function I didn't see mentioned: it is a year round comfort to an old recluse too banged up to get out much even if I could afford licenses and travel gas and lodgings, which I can't. When the depression sets in, looking at my trunk full of duck clothing, my duck guns gathering dust, and the closet stuffed with enough decoys for several large spreads, I can always come here to browse and remember.
My son is an inveterate big game hunter, though I tried to teach him better. His partner expresses amazement that I raised him duck hunting but he sticks to the high country. Besides, he's sixty miles away, working all the overtime he can to raise four daughters (each with their own big game rifle) so not much chance of using his strong back to get out there. He has my last boat, on rotting tires, and my last motor, not fired up in over ten years, so if a lottery win or something happens we can put it all back together The little Marsh Hawk is damned near immortal and if I had the money I'd select it for my coffin. Until that time comes I can live vicariously here with hunters of high quality of mind and skill. So thanks for being there.
As an old ? Southern boy you certainly deserve all the accolades from those posted above. Best of all, as Bill Burkett said it well, you got the blood pumping in some of us old farts to stay with it if only in a limited way. You have fostered the father/son & daughter image, and with Steve "snapping our garter" at times along with Tod keeping all in line. You sir, are a class act! Still looking for pictures of your new "man cave".
wis boz
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I'd like to jump in and call out the generousity this group displays. Super support for great causes like getting kids involved, waterfowl conservation, ALS, and on and on.

A great example is a banquet happening this weekend where a local group is raising money to sponsor outdoor activities (fishing, youth hunts, outdoor skills) for the youth of our county. I asked for and received donations of hand carved decoys from 5 members of this site. To a man they all said heck yes!

So here's a tip of my cap to Chuck J, Dave Ludington, Jim Williams, Pat Gregory, and Tom Modin!